M60/A1/A3 in IDF Service Reference Thread

Another minor detail that puzzled me is the lifting eye on the front of the turret.

Meng supplies part F22 which clearly protrudes from the turret roof armor


but Academy supplies a short part that does not clear the turret roof armor

I had this photo clearly showing the lifting eye as Academy provides it, but does not make any sense from a practical point of view.

But then I found a couple of photos that show that Meng also got it right

I added the chains for the side skirts and the wire rope mounts on the turret

The only detail left to add are the straps for the box mount on the turret roof and then it is time for primer.

I want to see how the model surfaces look after priming before adding any kind of antiskid to the model because the detail is a bit on the shallow side and I am afraid that if I apply the antiskid with the usual method it will look odd and I might need to try something different with a finer grain.