Not sure if anybody commented on the question of the maintenance equipment in the picture near the beginning of this post, but it is called an FRS (Forward Repair System). It is a fully portable system with all the tools you would need to repair almost any vehicle in the military.
You could build the M7 FRS using a flatrack from the Trumpeter or Italeri M1120 LHS, a HEMTT crane, and lots of sheet styrene. It would take some work, but is doable.
yeah, no, not this guy… it hurts too much just thinking about it haha
Please do this Gino! We all know that the moment you put down the last paint brush on your scratch build that an injection mold plastic offering with full PE will be announced from all major kit vendors. Immediately. Then I will buy one of each kit offering for my ever growing stash. All the best my friend! Press on
As cool as it is, it is not on the list. Way too many others to do first.
Makes me think of “Mother” 's High-Mobility Engineer Excavator. What an epic journey that was to witness
@HeavyArty I’m not sure if this still applies but we really need a M1074/M1075 PLS. When I signed for my units first FRS, we were told that the M1120 not rated to lift the FRS and the PLS needed to be used. It was explained to me that the hydraulic system is different between the two trucks. This is my way of complaining to the model companies they keep kicking out all the European trucks, but I really believe that the US military wheeled vehicles are a vastly neglected group when it comes to modern well molded and detailed kits.
I don’t know if the M1120 is the right truck for it, but the below pic suggests it is.
I totally agree on the neglect of modern US trucks in 1/35, esp. the PLS. That is why I ended up scratch/converting one. The model companies still haven’t come out with one yet.
That pic is why I made the above comment it made me raise an eyebrow a little. I’d have to dig into the manuals a little but i think the PLS is rated to a higher lifting capacity than the LHS and the FRS is a very heavy beast.
The PLS is rated at 16.5 tons and the LHS is rated at 10 tons. The FRS is listed as weighing 12.3 tons. I guess it would require a PLS to properly carry it.
Love the move to its own thread I would love to have a PLS with an FRS on top pulling a SATS trailer and a M1152 contact truck following behind. There is nothing the combo of those three can’t fix. Hell, if somebody could cast the GMTK I would strap that on to one of the vehicles.
Yep, that’s it, now we just need one molded in resin to make the maintenance section builds look right.
From the exterior, it looks like just a rolling Pelican case.
Which is available from Eureka.
Eureka XXL 1/35 Modern US Army Pelican 1660 Protector Case 1pc [MODEL KIT] E-062 | eBay
Meng also has similar boxes in this set.
I have a 125 photo walk around of this, both inside and out, with stored equipment.
Free with any of my other walk arounds. That’s a deal. PM me.
I’m not as smart as Shapeways search function, anybody have/know of a link to a good quality 3D printed Cargo crane (ala OshKosh HEMTT) I believe (sight unseen) that the crane on the newly released M1001 tractor for the Europe Based Pershing Missile may be different than the crane needed for Trumpeters HEMTT Tractor.
I couldn’t find a HEMTT crane on Shapeways. You can order the crane/bed sprue (sprue E) from the Italeri M977 HEMTT (0292) directly from Italeri for about 10 Euros, shipped to the US. I did this to get the crane for my M1074 PLS.
I’m seeing something a little different.
Plus a lot of other odds and ends - mounted bench grinder, vise, lots of other stuff.
Two takers so far. Anyone else? I want to send these all at the same time, so offer expires tomorrow night. 2100 Central.