M84 MBT - Best base for build?

Slovenia and Croatia are the Nato countries that use the M84 in one forn or another

for M84A, Tamiya is a good starting point (or trumpeter kits as well) as M84A has the added plate. M84 lacks and you should use some other tank without it. IIRC Trumpeter has in its boxes front hull without that plate, and a separate plate is on the frames, so you could add one.
Be aware that M84A has air filter on the right side of the hull that differentiate it from T72 and M84

What does the air cleaner look like?

I have several partial images, and i’ll try to find the proper ones…

Uploading: DSCF6309.JPG…

Details for M84 (Serbian/Croatian language) - courtesy of V. Kovacic


OK, so that replaces one of the fuel tanks! Thanks!

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Almost positive that amusing hobby has an m84 coming out soon.

I picked yup the Kirin M84 kit for the M84 spacific part to add to a Tamiya T72 the resin turret looks squashed