Another update. I have detailed the cab, inside and out. I used the Eduard interior PE on it. I used pieces as they fit in the redesigned cab. It is a pretty good set and adds quite a bit of detail.
I also added support structures to the rear wall and roof.
On the front, I built the bumper(?) bar from square brass stock, bent to shape. I also added the cages around the lights from sheet and rod styrene.
I used @Petition2God James Lee’s 3D printed gladhands on it. They look great.
Lastly, I cut down the length on the exhaust and added the upper PE cage around it from the Eduard set.
I am waiting on @MikeyBugs Michael Goldberg’s 3D printed modern marker lights for it and a few other pieces to complete the cab steps. Other than that, construction is done. Now onto painting and detailing the cab interior.