Made in the USSR

Group Build Title: Made in the USSR

Group Build Leader(s): @phil2015

Group Build Description: Modeling any subject made in the USSR, any genre.

Event Details: (Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)

Completion Award: looking for help from some kind soul to make a badge


This is based on the Hero of the Soviet Union medal.

If this is not obvious enough, a hammer and sickle could be added. For example, I could narrow the top bar and add hammer and sickle panels to the upper corners.

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I’m in with an SU-152

The frame definitely needs to be made narrower.

But the sickle would be too much.
There is a peaceful analogue with the sickle - “Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR”.

The company can be divided into military and peaceful products.


Missed this campaign, but I will join. A T-80UE or perhaps something simpler like a T-26.

I’m going to go with a maybe at the moment.
I’ve got a few Migs of various types I should really get started. Probably pick something in VPAF or Middle Eastern colours.

Campaign medals are 128 by 128. That is not much real estate so I tend to stretch things to fill the space. The medal is not intended to be an exact copy of the Hero of the Soviet Union but it certainly could be. Dunno. Just tryin to help by offering an idea.

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Yes, you are right. I was hasty.
I would like to suggest the USSR flag. It is a bit more “square”, it has a hammer and sickle.

If someone does not understand what the medal means, then he should definitely understand the flag.


Might do Tamiya’s Il-2 Sturmovik for this, but holding off on committing until I know better what next year will be like.

Always liked that plane.

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I’m interested, is the date 1/1/25 to 1/1/26?

I might jump in with the RFM T-55A Mod. 1981 kit.


Yes. I’m not sure why that happens sometimes. I thought I set the boundaries as 1/1 to 12/31…

I have an interest in this medal, because I plan to receive it. I propose this option in development of the idea of ​​Damraska.


Hello, are what if or paper panzer allowed ?

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Should be an interesting campaign! Only Soviet subjects, or Russian ones as well? And it looks like any nationality, as long as it’s a Soviet (Russian?) design?

Michael :israel: :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s stick with Soviet subjects for this one. And yes, it can be operated by anyone as long as it’s a Soviet design.


I think on this if a prototype was actually built I’ll allow it.

Hmmmm; I’ll ponder on this, having at long last managed to successfully tackle a campaign recently (“Best Tank etc etc”) but I just wonder if…

One couldn’t get much more Soviet than that perhaps(!)

That said, I already have my modelling schedule provisionally firmed-up for 2025. Provisionally

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We would love to see that!

Well Phil, it is a bit of a beast and probably not for the faint-hearted. I tend to have a love/hate relationship with some resin. As far as it goes this appears to be relatively straightforward but a fair bit of work I should think. I posted this image upon receipt some time ago, but just to give an indication of the size of the thing in 1:35: