So per your definition any subject is valid unless it was designed in the USSR, no later than 26 December 1991.
Any T-72 variant (and many other vehicles, weapon systems) designed later are disqualified. That is clear.
If the original vehicle was made before the above date but later (than the date above) upgraded to a newer version, still disqualified, am I right?
I only ask to make sure we all have the same understanding. And I have some T-72s variants in my stash and want to opt a proper kit for this campaign.
Some yes, some not. But by that logic we should exclude T-55, T-62 and T-64 as well, since all of them, as with the T-72, have quite a few versions and upgrades postdating the USSR.
That is correct pont. It is pretty simple: if the design was officially made before the collapse, than OK.
Most of the T-55, T-62 and T-72 variants are OK.
I would still consider valid an African rebel team’s T-55 with added local “armour” and some extra fuel drums. That is more like a “colour locale” rather than “design”.
However, I need guidance on acceptable subject matter. I have a ~25% complete Ryefield Model’s T-80UK I’d like to enter it if possible but I don’t know when it was designed etc.