MENG 1/35 BMPT Terminator

following on from old forum:

more work on the hull… the hatches are a multi-part assembly but build up really nice. Also done the side skirts, think I need to paint the wheels/lower hull/tracks (still think there is 1 too many link as well) soon then add the side skirts before the digital scheme (on this, I have primed up a plastic tub to allow me to trial the colour scheme - think the NATO green is too dark so need to see (plan to fade each colour as I go rather than at the end when all painted)…


onto the turret… keeping the weapons system separate from the turret to aid the digital camo. So far so good… building up nicely


main build complete. Will need to wait until the new year to paint (running gear/tracks first so I can add the side armour before main painting

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Looking very good!

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wahoo… primer on. Next step will be portland stone on the lower hull & wheels (allowing side skirts to be glued on ahead of full digital scheme… as said, this is 100% what-if scheme


Portland Stone running gear done… will add wheels and tracks and then need to glue the 2 layers of side skirts before I start on the digital


wheels on - check

tracks on - check

side plates on - check

next up mask lower half then start on the digital scheme


first colour of digital scheme - Khaki Green no 4 (and faded with a touch of light grey)… really nice base, next up slate grey I believe - probably a few weeks for that as

a) I need to cut out all the digital masks

b) I need to get my son back to uni


It is a nice progress so far, the green looks great! I am following with interest as the same kit is a sooner future build for me, too.



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thanks… first round of the pixel masking applied - not sticking very well so likely to be soft edged… next colour will be slate grey…


Hi Robert,

I see the issue and it will cause soft edges, surely. As an advice, I was repainting with airbrush a 1/43 die-cast Toyota Land Cruiser model, fully assembled (the owner is my boss and he wanted to have the vehicle model in a different color). It is a toy basically and disassembly was clearly impossible. I had to mask off all decals, windows and lights to ensure no paint on them. I used Tamiya yellow and it did stick very well over the smallest index-lamps and other bumpy surfaces, too. These features are very small in this scale. So I would recommend to stop now and give a try to such masking tapes from Japan (Tamiya-Gunze-Hasegawa, whichever, those guys are striving for excellence in modelling tools). Otherwie you will have to hand-brush many places (which is sometimes easy but mostly hardwork.



yeah considered that… you are right, think I will stop and get some tamiya tape - have 1cm but would need to join too many parts together to get something decent…the one advantage of the vinyl sheet is that I can print on the back having designed “shapes” on PC then cut out…

changed it… switched to tamiya tape (1cm)… big parts are 5mm x 5mm and then a few smaller 2mm x 2mm… squares are bigger but think this is better (especially in terms of sticking to the kit - vinyl just wasnt adhering


Looking good! Cant wait to see how the masking turned out!

Looks good @robw_uk. I actually liked it in just the black primer, it looks very mean and moody like that. The digi cam and the masking looks nice as well. I would like to try this style of cam on a Chally 2 so will be keeping tabs on how this looks ---- no pressure lol :wink:

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Yes looks sinister in black lol…Coming along great !


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thanks both… i liked the look in the Khaki actually… almost stopped myself moving on to the next phase (well I haven’t actually started the paint so still could - but want to see what it is like (no decals so can always repaint))

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Hi Rob,

the look of the patched model is great. I am happy that I could help you with the Tamiya tape advice.

Good luck in the next paint phases!


ok so second colour on - Slate and again a lightening of it with light grey… next up silver grey


Silver grey now added… all masked up for final Portland Stone and reveal tomorrow… thinking of masking white & red stripes on the front (a la Matilda) and using one of the name decals from the Tamiya kit to give it that "what if the British Army had Terminators and a war in the desert)…