MikeyBugs 3D Design and Printing Ideas

Gas can in rack:

Mike, this is something that has bugged me since I first entered armor modeling many years ago. (So it is NOT a criticism of your work!)

The rack for the gas can should not fit snugly or smoothly to the can, There should be more separation between the rack and the can. Plus the can does not sit uniformly inside the rack. This entire area needs to be a spaced and indented lip rather than just a stair step in the CAD rendering.

Every mold maker since the beginning of injection molding just makes the rack simply a smooth stair step out from the can.

I know this is a small thing but if you were to add this detail to your offering I feel your product would then exceed the quality and level of detail of every other such item ever made in this industry

Best Regards
Mike K.


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