Work has begun on the logging arch.
Working from the two views given the parts booklet which I previously enlarged to 1/35 scale I made a projection in plan view of the horse shoe shaped main chassis.
The booklet refers to this as the tongue.
Plan view transferred to sheet styrene and top and bottom cut from sheet . The two parts were taped together with double sided tape and trued up together , then spacer material cut to make up the depth as shown on the side elevation.
After the two pieces were joined with spacer material the vertical surfaces were faced with thinner sheet styrene to bend around the curved faces . A small rabbet was left top and bottom for the weld seams which will be done with epoxy putty.
The main boom elevation was cut from the drawings and transferred to plastic and two sides roughed out .
The boom will be assembled in the same manner as the chassis ( tongue ? )
Now waiting on some styrene tube stock and hex stock for axle housings , nuts etc.
Thanks for looking !
Cheers- RT