Hello-I just bought this kit and was curious if it needs any help.Is it pretty accurate in outline out of box? Last B-24 I built was way back in 70s, old Revell 1/72 with tons of rivets, but it looked the part. Thanks for any info or suggestions. John
The kit is on it’s way. When it arrives I will do a build here. It is for a formation ship but I plan on using the weapons and replacing the decals with an OD over gray scheme, not sure which squadron. John
The kit arrived today, I need to wash it then start detail painting. From the information on line and Kermit Weeks walk around on You Tube I guess the interior is-nose and cockpit- dark dull green, bomb bay-aluminum with interior green stringers that hold bombs, waist gunner area to tail gunner area-dark dull green, nose wheel well and main gear wheel wells-interior green. There are other variants but this seems to make the most sense to me. John
I just noticed in the heading" Minicraft 1/72 B-24D" it says 1/72 Revell, I am new to this format and don’t remember entering the kit as Revell, it is Minicraft. How do I change this? John
I’ve done some more interior painting. I need to go a bit further back with the dark dull green, almost to the wings which is the bomb bay area. The bomb bay area will be aluminum or I have also heard it could be neutral gray. I am going to pose the bomb bay doors open with a full bomb load. The area in back of the bomb bay to the tail gunners area will be dark dull green. I was considering spraying the interior but so little will be seen it made no sense. John
The detail is very good for 1/72 scale. I think it’s better than the old Revell B-24 I built in the 60s, however I will find out next week, I just purchased this gem. Actually I am not sure what kit I built, I think I had the old late 50s Revell box scale B-24J “Buffalo Bill” which was 1/90th scale. I may have built both at one time as the 1/72 kit came out in 1964, I started model building at 10 years old in 1963. John
Cockpit parts ready to install. Now to start painting bomb bay area and assemble and paint bombs. John
The interior is painted. I have the bombs built but they need sanding and paint. I still have to add the stringers that the bombs attach to. John
I have approximately 48 grams of weight in the forward fuselage, tire weights in a dead spot behind the nose wheel well and beneath the forward top turret in back of the pilots seat. The weight in back of the pilots seats was 2 nuts which I painted dark dull green to “camouflage” them. I put the fuselage halves together and you would be very hard pressed to see in there especially after I add the top turret, John
John, she’s coming along nicely. 90Th BG “Jolly Rogers” makes good looking B-24Ds.
Thanks, I have another B-24D with 90th Jolly Rogers decals, am looking at ETO decals in olive drab over neutral gray, no interest in Ploiesti desert colors. John
In removed the gun barrels from the top turret as they were in the way of sanding and I have no luck with guns or antennas hanging out when I am in the building mode. I don’t like adding that type of detail until the very last after painting. I have the fuselage cleaned up. John
Once I get some paint on this I have to decide what’s next. I have 3 good choices or I may just opt out and pick up an old 1/72 Revell B-17F from the '70s off E Bay. The Short Stirling is still in shrink wrap with it’s original $1.83 price tag. John
Looks great John. Going to be good when it’s finished.
Any fit problems?
The old Revell kit is quite nice too. Simple interior, but good surface details. It may be covered with rivets, but what I’ve seen so was the real thing!
The fit is not good but not bad either. The worse so far is the cockpit canopy and the bottom hatch and fairing in back of the bomb bay. I left the machine guns off and closed the waist windows, I have issues with things “hanging out” that break off easily.I am not impressed by the nose landing gear attachment. It seems “wimpy” and I keep trying not to bump it. I never understood why kit makers do things this way, it’s an accident waiting to happen. John