Model Companies Histories and Historical things

Brian, any new photos of your Little John? After your reply, I found and bought one. I didn’t have to finance it to the extent you did, but let’s just say I am getting along well without some redundant internal organs. And another site member liked mine so much, he just acquired one!

I plan to build mine when our renovations are complete.

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Hi Fred,

No - sadly no progress other than getting it into primer. They are indeed pretty rare!

The plan is to replace the Jeep with a Tamiya one converted to an M38, which I thought might be more appropriate for the timescale, and an improvement on the Monogram effort… I’ll use the Plus Model conversion set, which whilst I know isn’t perfect, will get an effect I feel.

Thereafter, I don’t think I’ll do much to the missile or its launcher as what research I have been able to achieve - not much - shows the experimental version pretty much as Monogram have it.

I’ll finish the missile in plain OD with US Army in white as per one of these (top left):

I’ll probably try and display it as at a test site - desert, cacti? As for figures, I’m not too sure just yet.

This is a later version but I might try and model the troops with those caps of the period; I have a cunning plan using Hornet Heads.

It’s actually a neat little kit I feel; I certainly haven’t seen any on the display tables ever(!) I certainly need to push it up the list.


Isn’t anyone going to mention Adams (aka Revell) models? Really unusual 1/40 scale. :thinking:
:smiley: :canada:

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White Sands, I know those mountains from anywhere

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