Modeling Armor of Operation "Iron Swords"

Many thanks.

I’m doing a Gaza diorama. Sloped rocky ground, scrubby bits of bushes and clumps of grass, shell casings and boulders. Four IDF vehicles clustered around similarly to the pics we saw above. Merk IV with the mine-roller (completed and sat in my display cabinet, was just waiting for something to do with it, might remove the Droid system…)

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Meng Trophy Namer parked up close by and the late doghouse Nagmachon I’m working on at the moment also close by. Crews stood around, ammo being loaded, Bergens and hydro packs all around, lots of stowage, no doubt they are going off into Gaza soon.

Might have to use some artistic license as if you say its been removed from service then perhaps the Nagmachon shouldn’t be there. Might there still be some active in reserve units?