Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

“Very nice.” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I know the U.S. had a nuke in the 8" size, but didn’t know the Russians did. They also do the 155mm round.

I want to say something like .05 kiloton. As for the radiation, I just don’t remember. I do remember them saying that firing the nuke in a 155 was also gonna mean you’re dead too. The 8" at the time had just about one mile more range, so I would think end results to be similar. They had a nuclear weapons school, and had the chance to go, but some body else took my slot. They’d know a lot more the I do on the subject.

YES!!! Count me in! Needs a Wonder Bra hanging off the antenna mast! Or a serious pair of bright red panties would get you by

What is it?

@Gary_Totty (et al) The US 155mm nuke round was better than that. According to Wikipedia, the W48 warhead had a range of around 8-10 miles and a yield of .072kt.
The really small, and perhaps suicidal weapon was the Davy Crockett. This was a recoilless rifle that fired a W54 warhead, with a yield of 20 tonnes TNT. It had a range of 1-2.5 miles (less than a modern tank) and was recommended to fire over a hill to provide some protection for the firing crew. I would shoot the 155mm, but not the Davy Crockett.



my fault as I forgot all about the charge eight powder charge. I’ve seen it, but never shot it. The normal max charge was a seven, and it was about eight and a half miles sea level to sea level. I only go by what they told us at Ft. Sill. Now a nuke from a 175 gun might work, as it had a 23 mile range.

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The pictured gun is a Rapira MT-12 100 mm anti-tank gun. AFAIK there’s no 1/35th scale kit for it…


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I wonder how many “barnfinds” will be after the war. :wink:

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In Ukraine so far I only saw BMD 2 (Zvezda,Panda) and BMD 4M (Trumpeter)



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Looks like the dress my wifes sister-in-law wore to my mother-in-laws funeral …


Not a armor kit but a new quick build kit of the conflict.


I’ve heard the panda kut is a pig, so it’s the trumpeter kit for me.

The panda BMD -1 is a pig indeed.

Someone asked recently what an ARB is. It’s like a DD-214 on steroids.
The date is wrong for the SADM course - that’s when it was officially entered into my records - yes, it was that closely guarded. Only entered because we did away with the Green Light program of which I was a member. Gary once talked about giving an 18 year old an automatic weapon. How about being nuclear qualified at 20? And on a weapon on which we were pretty certain the timers did not work…


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What’s next? A burned out Antonov AN 225? Also from Revell, or this time from Zvezda?

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I’d argue the point about the about tbe Abrams, after all the British Challenger does hold the record for the long distance kill.




@Frenchy interesting to see those T-72’s loaded down with “liberated” items