Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

Does the Typhoon K have/use the same NBC equipment the Typhoon U uses?

There will have to be a lot of rebuilding in Ukraine when the vandalism has stopped.
The future of the railroads could be part of the rebuilding.
Changing the railroad gauge would make future “special military operations” more complex …

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This is what is sad. We ourselves do not live richly, but we will also have to restore Ukraine.
Apparently you also know that vandals from the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed more of their bridges than the Russian army?

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Indeed, destroying bridges can be a defensive action when retreating.
It can also be an offensive action by destroying bridges in the enemies rear
to stop reinforcements from reaching the front line.

The average Russian will probably suffer from this “adventure”.


What an odd choice of text to decide to translate. At any rate, thanks for doing it. I had quite forgotten также, I usually use тоже. I’m sure there’s a reason one is better than the other but then Russian isn’t my first language. Thank God for this:

Well…Apparently a lot of components for Russian equipment is made in Ukraine. Good luck asking. :grinning:

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I already wrote once, I will write again.
According to the West, Russia has been at war with Ukraine for 8 years. Who is the fool: Ukraine, which supplies the enemy with parts of weapons, Russia, which orders parts of weapons from an extremely unfriendly country.
I constantly repeat: turn on your head and think with it.

I beg your pardon. I constantly switch from translator to text. Sometimes there are blunders.
But now I know what nationality you are

From a historical perspective, Russians cannot live well when their brothers are being killed nearby. A piece in the throat does not climb. Yes, food becomes a little less, but the pleasure from it is much greater.

It is high time for some pics…



I think that one is captured.


I really hope someone brings us the 63704 soon.

Even the locals get stuck,




Here are a couple questions that maybe @fromSalekhard can answer. Are there any available prints of 1/35 Russian ration boxes and Russian/Eastern Block water boxes that Russian troops may be using. I am working on a Ukraine war project and would like to add these to it.

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Hummm… I can’t see why the Ukranians would think to destroy their bridges…



yeah i found some but they are not the right type but I’m using them as there aren’t any other options

Armored ambulances from UK



I didn’t quite understand the request, but I’ll try.
There are already ready-made products from CModeltrend.
In a website with views from different sides, content and dimensions

Is it okay? Or search further?