It looks like the efflux residue from the rockets being fired. The front of the launcher is burnt while the rear is coated in soot as the smoke cools. Reminds me of the coating on the efflux deflectors on a Striker launch bin after ranges.
now I’m confused! I see that HUMVEE with the “Z” painted on it. Yet I thought the Russians only used the “Z” symbol. Is it captured? Or maybe a ruse? Neat looking crane in the background by the way
8mm (o.d.) brass tubing will be very close. I I.D. will be around .250", and 6.28mm is .247". Of course you could do the samething with plastic, but this the wall thickness will show up in a big way. 7mm brass tubing would be much better, but have never seen it.
Captured Humber Ambulance
If that Humvee breaks down I guess they will go online and order new parts from NAPA.
@Johnnych01 , @justsendit , @Maximus8425 , @Frenchy - It would appear you fellas are on the right track there in regards to the discolouration.
As a result of the Germany plans to field 3 Lazarettzüge (hospital trains) again. This time they will be ICE3 neo bullet trains.
I really wonder how they will be painted? Bronzegrün with RED CROSS?
Wikipedia article on Krankentransportzüge.
In Ukraine, as well as in all the territories of the former USSR, the width of the railway track differs from the European one. To remake all wheel sets for such a composition is not to be done in a few days.
In addition to this, ours got into the habit of bombing railway power stations. This train is electric.
These trains are for the Bundeswehr, so i assume that they are for use within the EU. Its a very good decision, one cargo train can carry as much cargo as 1000 trucks. Also the train a road network in Ukraine can not be destroyed by russian rockets or planes pernamently. It takes only a coupple hours to repair a destroyed rail track. Something we have learned during ww2.
Not rails, transformers. There are 1,600 electric locomotives and 300 diesel locomotives in Ukraine.
Still, restoring a rail is easier then to build a tactical rocket. And cheaper. And we can always send the components to them and the money. I mean cmon guys, we are sending all sorts of stuff, not just weapons…transformators, diesel engines, trucks, cars, laptops. There is huge congestion on the border…eastbound.
If you figured it out in a few minutes, then you assume that our military knows this too.
You send them exactly along these same railways.
This is not a transformer for a TV at home or a separate building. This is a whole substation for the railway.
Do you remember that we were there too?
Im sure they know it, but other question is what can they do about it ? I noticed that the rocket attacks are not nearly as potent as everybody was assuming during the cold war. Tactical rockets and long range rockets delivered by planes are not a game changer if the russians dont have enough of them. Its also something that costs money and needs western components, so the stock is not unlimited. I think that ukraine will be able to keep the trains running.
There are also mobile transformers which can be sent to Ukraine …
I wonder if Ukraine will consider changing their railroad gauge to European standard
when they have won this war
Everything ends sometime.
Even in the tiny Baltic states, the gauge has not yet been changed. Yes, Rail Baltic is being built, but the old track remains in place.
Based on the logic stated above, that the West (you) will help Ukraine, soon you will be given only one bottle of vegetable oil in your hands. Ukraine has 21,700 km of roads (14th). In Germany, twice as much, in Russia - 4 times.