Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

This thread’s collection of images amassed as the conflict unfolds is a treasure trove of reference & inspiration.

@Frenchy - major kudos :clap:


It has also served to teach, nay remind us, how utterly rubbish Eastern European military equipment is.

It doesn’t even look good, it actually looks cheap, nasty and ineffective, which of course, is what it is.

More pictures of properly sexy Western kit please.

Polish 2S1 Goździk 122mm SPG in Ukraine

Czech RM-70



Thanks for starting the thread. Great reference.


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RU T-64. No ERA blocks…

FV7ei3GXoAI8cTi (1)

Notice the armour between the tracks, or plough?

Rubber skirt, similar to the one below ?? :thinking:

EDIT : looking closer, I’m no longer sure… :roll_eyes:


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Don’t think so, there is a bend in the first image, almost like a mine plough, rather than bow.

Wait, this is SOCIAL MEDIA? I thought this was scale modeling!

I think that is a rubber skirt, bowed out in the middle by whatever that camouflage material covering the tank is. Maybe somebody can find a better photo of it.

“Maybe somebody can find a better photo of it” … the Frenchy Signal is lit!

Me, I’m enjoying the photos and I’m fine with a wee bit of politics - politics and warfare are intertwined here as they always are.

I’m on it :wink: Here’s the news footage it comes from

But this doesn’t help much…Looks like it’s a two-part affair ( rubber skirt + metal “plow” above it)


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I’ve finished one build so far using photos from here as reference. I have several more projects planned that will be using photos from here as inspiration or reference as well. Of course at my snails pace of typical builds, by the time more of those are finished, the war will likely be a year or more old… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Just noticed I had previously posted another view of the very same tank



I have no issues with some departures from the main thrust of the thread. As long as it doesnt get political. Some discussion helps us understand more about the equipment.

Ok. Frenchy or someone help me. What are we lookin at here?

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Not exactly sure but some form of a T80

Yep, that does look like rubber, with blocks attached. Well played!

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Based on the road wheels, engine deck & rear panel, and the fuel drum mounts, that is some sort of T-80. But it’s a variant I’m not familiar with.