Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

We’ve been showing for a long time now. Yes, Putin is angry and 80% of Russians are too. We are waiting for the breakage of the transatlantic cable, the collapse of the tunnel under the Channel and so on in the same vein. The damned terrorists have gone completely wild.



Have we gone away from modeling again or is someone going to build a diorama with the Crimean bridge?

Definitely good idea for diorama!


Plastic bottles armor ? :wink:



Good observation!
Almost all the markings have been painted over.
This one is on the right rear side:

If I were to make a propaganda video or instructional video I would make sure that the
“enemy” vehicle is correct (type, version, markings et.c). The surrendering soldiers did have different uniforms so that mistake has been avoided.
Most of these surrenders are arranged in advance, Russian soldier calls the “I want to live” phone number and arranges the details, there is a risk of getting shot at if the Ukrainians don’t see the white flag before shooting (is that why the shirts have blue stripes so they can’t be used as surrender flags :wink: )
Could the Russian troops have apinted over the most visible markings to improve the camouflage now that they know that there is a risk of being shot at by Ukrainians? I would cover as mus as I could, don’t want to drive around with a huge aiming mark …

Liquids, such as water, slows down bullets and projectiles :wink:

If you look closely, you can see a blurry spot on board - Ukrainian pixel camouflage is being painted there. Personally, it seems to me so.

A least two M1070 tractor units should make it to Ukraine soon :

They will be paired with Broshuis LT trailers to carry AHS Krab and PzH-2000 SPH’s


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I guessing the house selling market price in Crimea just “tanked”.


It’s an automatic fire extinguishing system :wink:

Obviously cheaper than in Turkey. Europeans should take a closer look. Energy is cheap there. Gas price - 5.8 rubles per cubic meter, electricity - 3.61 rubles per kWh.
Edit: Sorry, I lied. Expensive. It’s cheaper in Tyumen: gas - 5.66 rubles per cubic meter, electricity - 3.17 rubles per kWh.

Define cheap. In Germany people produce and therefore earn five times more than in Russia. So what is expensive for you might not be expensive for them.

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Hello, russia sended victory day parade T72B3 to ukraine and the ukrainian decided to use the plate of one on this one? If yes, I wonder from wich years since I don’t thinkt here was any in 2022

There are people who give more importance at the price of gas and there are those who give more to freedom and life … everyone has their priorities



Try Venezuela for cheap fuel. And cheap life. Follow the money and you will connect corruption with cheap fuel. Unless Russia has a way of flooding Ukraine with fuel and dropping a match in it it hardly matters. Besides Russia wont need as much fuel as the number of vehicles using it gets less.

Give Putin some credit for sucking in the west with cheap fuel. He’s like a drug warlord who was selling cheap drugs in the form of energy and the addicts in the west were hooked. Then along comes the truth telling story call Ukraine.

But it’s hard to model all of what is happening. Yes there is the hardware and the destroyed infrastructure. But how do we model politics? How do we model truth and lies? How do we model pain? I watch way too much on YouTube and the net. I see Russian and Ukraine equipment with body parts blown to pieces. I cheer for one side but I feel for those caught up in an egomaniacs mental state and the pain he is causing on both sides. I feel for the mothers, wives and children who are following orders. But how do we model the real story?

I would love to build a model and diorama that could shock those in charge. Make it bloody. Have the smell of death and show the pain. But who would I show it to? I’m afraid there is only one solution to the whole darn mess. The people of Russia have their futures in their hands. They have part responsibility and some blood on their hands for allowing a nut case to f#$@ with so many lives.

Sorry for the rant. Yes it’s getting off topic. But as modellers how can we represent what is happening if we can’t interpret the truth in our models?


Anyone remember this washing up on shore around Spet 20th?

Interesting build idea.

Another diorama idea maybe if the sci fi section of campaigns?