Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

That’s why I gave specific prices. And there everyone decides whether it is expensive or cheap.

Quite right! That is why we traded your Western values for the lives of our Russian brethren in Ukraine.
Look at Elon Musk’s map.

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I would completely agree with you if you were also keenly sympathetic to the millions of Vietnamese, Serbs, Iraqis, Libyans, and so on. There were no Russian soldiers there, there were soldiers from other countries.
And it turns out that you are not rooting for the victims, you just hate the Russians.

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Interesting map Salekhard, this shows also what a famous german journalist, Peter Scholl-Latour, already said in 2014 after the mysterious Maidan Coup that Ukraine is a deeply divided country, the eastern part feels belonging to Russia and the western part (as former belonging to Austrian-Hungarian empire and Poland) to the West. He said if it will not be possible to unite these two ethnic groups Ukraine will have to be divided into an eastern and one western Ukraine one day. Everyone can still watch the full interview in Youtube.

Can we have some vehicle shots of the war please to get back on topic :pray:


Indeed. I can’t see a figure group depicting a Ukrainian POW being emasculated (prior to being murdered) going down too well at a show (as well as being a no-go here…).



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Ten years old. Events have changed some opinions…



Serbia I agree with you, the Clinton administration wrote Putin’s playbook for him back then. But Wagner is stirring the pot in Libya, and then there’s Syria…


could someone please post some models they are working on instead of all this political crap.


This would be a simple and effective model to dio … ?

sorry if its been posted before


Back to toppic, I have the T-64AV in stash, any chance of a photo of this one ? I understand the BV is the way to go but I dont want to do the conversion…

There’s a picture of the T64 much cleaner. On the T72B3, I still wonder from wich year the victory parade one who seem to have been sent to ukraine would be.

It’s not very hard conversion. Turret part is slightly different. But you get almost all the necessary parts in AV version. Just compare instruction’s of both kits to see the difference’s. I will also do the same conversion.

By the way, heller is releasing guepard and leopard 1A4 with ukrainian what if liveries Leopard 1A4 (81126) en 1:35 - Heller Gepard (81127) en 1:35 - Heller

If it is a re-release of the old heller kits from 45 years ago, avoid them by any means. You can´t imagine what you would get!!!



I wouldn’t, I dealt with much worst than heller stuff




Kissing Cosacks? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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