Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

You are very predictable! If this is the USSR, then Ukraine (as well as the Baltic states, Armenia, Georgia and all the rest) are its integral part. And all this is an internal affair of the USSR. You don’t care about that.

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Russia’s newest infrared coping. !@#$ you not.

The following memes are though. possible future one off builds?


russia 4

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Started building the Himars today for donation to a Ukrainian war blogger. If anyone has any unique Himars please post.


Until 1917, Poland and Finland were part of the Russian Empire. Based on this vicious logic, given above, the Poles and Finns should stress out :flushed:


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I understood you perfectly from the beginning. Russia is not the USSR and never will be. This is understood by all civilized people, except for those who live in Russia.
And do not mislead colleagues who are not immersed in details. No one ever fed, as you put it, “brotherly” republics. All 15 republics fully provided for themselves, as well as fed the Russian Federation and the countries in which the USSR established its regime.
And the table that you cited above is nothing more than a cheap propaganda poster, with which they are now trying to cover up the failures of economic policy in the USSR.


Thank you for leaving the Russians the right to be civilized.
But here’s our colleagues you underestimate. Here is a VERY competent contingent, well versed not only in modeling and military affairs. That is why I remain here despite the ideological differences.


No, I didn’t. It is known fact that Putin is a former KGB officer. And he has stated that the break up of the Soviet Union was the worst thing to ever happen to Russia. Not WW11, WW1, the Mongol invasion, Napoleon, or anything else, but the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Can we get back to the pics and discussing the equipment and how to model it?

Again, if you want to talk politics go to the General Discussion: Off Topics Forum, not here.


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Very funny.
But let’s follow HeavyArty’s advice



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Finland has already donated XA-180/185’s and ZU-23-2’s.

Looks like there’s another Cat prowling around…



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By the way, the Finns also have 3 divisions of the Soviet Buk air defense systems. And it seems like they were going to abandon these in 2008.
For Ukraine, these complexes would be very useful, especially missiles.