I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about Trumpeter releasing in 1/35 a T-90M anytime soon?
Hello, I think I’ll go for the rye field set for both my leopard and abrams, I think it’ll be enough to cover both all over.and have a bunch of spare, I know about those one.
This one’s amazing.
Same with this one.
Is that the first confirmed loss of a Caesar SPG?
Not really, at least 6 were destroyed/damaged so far. The earlies I can find of one getting hit is from July of last year
Via Frenchy
Truck and gun experts please
Here’s a caption I found :
“A Germany-supplied MAN KAT1 8x8 high mobility off-road truck(M1001 to be exact) with a mounted 100mm soviet KS-19(Manufactured in 1947 so pretty ancient. Both sides use them)”
Here’s another KS-19 on a Tatra chassis
More pics on : Facebook
From Ruzzaa
Another inquiring mind wants to know. It looks like some type of SPG to me.
Thank you! Interesting looking vehicle.
What a combo…
I don’t know if there are more differnces between KAT 1 and M1001 than the front grill of M1001.
In the picture the wheels look more balloon than usually.
I believe the picture you’ve posted was taken in Rubizhne, near Luhansk in May 2022. Here’s another view
It was destroyed by Ukrainian artillery in the very same spot :