Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

Not sure why I have had a post removed for stating a fact, but that white symbol, is recognised NATO symbology for destroyed equipment.


I see another ancient symbol, used in the 20th century by a nation in Europe, hiding inside that pattern.


I know it’s late but my internet has been down. The BMP 2 is not from Ukraine, it’s a Russian vehicle undergoing live fire on the ranges, I only know cause I’ve had this photo for years on my PC

That’s a stretch :joy: but that one’s already taken by Azov although I don’t think they are allowed to use it anymore.


Lots of “patriots” on both sides feel some kind of attraction to that old symbol.
Some Russian soldiers have it tattooed. I think Prigozhins second in command (some say the actual military brains behind Wagner) also had it as a tattoo.

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Good to see a common sense approach to
This Subject :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

My bad ! I’ve edited my post (once again :sweat_smile:)


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The only problem with it, is that it has caused a problem painting my Samurai cause I’m not allowed to use it :joy::joy::joy:


Sucks doesn’t it?
There is a LOT of historical use of that symbol which is now hidden behind the mess created by a disgruntled corporal with an ugly moustache


Well that’s something I’ve never noticed before, the ZU 23 guns are set at an angle! Could explain why I have problems building it!

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T 62

T 72

Absolutely, was my first thought as well.

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you see weird things but you cant even say the name of the european country axaxaxaxaxaxa
go ahead say it

I wouldn’t know how to even begin modeling this.


Lots of pe grid squares.

Pic-up Sticks!



@Simon_Barnes Actually, if you are using it in an Asian context, it is a different symbol, being a mirror image of that used by certain European nations. Still very commonly seen here in Japan.



Sometimes the mirrored and the non-mirrored are seen together.

I want to let people think for themselves :wink:
at least sometimes … :grin:

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