Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

Does anyone know if the BMPT-72 Terminator II has seen combat in Ukraine? I know the BMPT Terminator saw combat this past winter. I’m almost finished building the Tiger Model BMPT-72 and really want to paint it in Z markings but still be historically accurate.






Has anyone been tempted to build a russian turtle tank yet?


Tempted yes, then the fever ends and back to the world of reality. :joy:

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Not just tempted. In progress. A great way to hide the “egregious” error on the Trumpeter T-62 kit.
I originally planned to use corrugated metal plates from one of my Suydam kits, but I really love those old kits, so I settled on a more recent photo that just uses sheet metal. .010 Styrene and Evergreen angle.


The video of it entering the building, the m270 looks longer then normal, not a box moving, but a truck shape.


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had to make this pic a meme when i saw it



I decided to get the bradley today with paint:


Now build it!

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I haven’t reveived it yet (or finnished the leopard and T90).

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Some inspiration for you:

In spite of its shortcomings, the Magic Factory kit can build up quite nicely.


what short comings?

Deutsche Qualität



just the thumbnail looks great, not sure how I’ll do mine tho I’m going to re use some of the decals for leopard (I plan to do a “what if netherland sended their” using the revell kit).

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I would have to preface my answer with a bit of irony.
I often voice my disdain for out of the box reviews, especially when they rave about how it “should really be a nice build” only to turn out to be a dog.

I’m going to turn that around and go one worse - I’ve identified six shortcomings, not fatal flaws, :hushed: with this kit. And I’ve done so without even having received the kits yet. How’s that for hypocritical? I can hear the derisive laughter already.
But who among us hasn’t pointed out errors in CAD drawings, hoping the manufacture will listen to us before it’s too late!?
That actually worked when I saw the sprue shots for the Trumpeter M1117 before it was released. And they changed it! Not gonna happen here though. That ship has already hit an iceberg.

So in all fairness, I will not point these out until the unboxing, (an annoying Youtubism that seems fitting) at which time I will be playing Also Sprach Zarathustra in the background. Then you’ll hear that needle rip across the record as I point out the errors. But this isn’t a Schrödinger’s Cat experiment. The flaws will be there whether I have opened the box or not.

In the meantime other folks have had time to examine it, or the 3 in 1 kit. I know Gino has one, so if any of them want to chime in before me feel free to do so. I’m thinking the Bradley Reference thread rather than here.
Again, six - but happily four of them are easy fixes. And I’m going to show you two ways to fix a couple of them.

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