My messed up tyre painting

could anyone give me a idea of what colour to weather mud on tyres
heres what happened to mine

The color of mud all depends upon local conditions. Grays, browns, yellows, reds… soil composition in one area might not match an area a few hundred meters away.

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Depends on the type of tyres too. Vinyl tyres will not take paint of any kind very well and nor will they take acrylic, enamel or oil based weathering products. Best bet with vinyl is to use pigments of earthy colors. Resin and plastic tyres will take paint and weathering products with no bother. My advice is to use not just one earthy shade or product but at least two for variation. You’d also need to identify the type of mud you want- is it very wet, a bit damp, dry, dusty etc.

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There must be a 100 videos on YouTube. Heres one:

hi folks thanks for your help and ideas nice one

Keep as is.

Use some flat black oil paint and mix with enamel black and dry brush the side and tread of the tyre.
If you dont have oil paint black or grey enamel will be fine.

Its just that the oil paint seems to make the wording on the tyre stand out.

Brush the paint onto some paper towel until there is a small mount on the bristles of the brush tip and highlight the sides and tread.


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hi folks thanks again for your help maybe i should leave the painting at the moment as ive 2 cataracts and can hardly see waiting for a operation but waiting list is long thanks for your patience and time

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I am with Karl on using pigments rather than paint to weather rubber tires.

  • Personally I have been giving all my plastic and resin tires a base coat of “Gun Metal” to give them that slightly silvery gray “been in the sun too long” look. Then apply the pigments.

  • For rubber model tires I just use straight pigments (Oil Pastels) perhaps over a very light, very dry undercoat of Matte Clear. This gives almost a microscopic fine “tooth” to the tire surface for the pigments to better adhere to.

Rubber Tires:
Pigments only - perhaps over a light spray of matte clear.

Something More Modern:

Here below on this HEMTT: ~ Lightly weathered rear tires - No weathering yet on front tires.

Resin Tires:
I probably over did the “dust” pigments here just a bit. ~ Hey, it was a long and dusty road!


The painted (Gun Metal) resin tires before any pigment weathering:

Rubber Tires on the 115 Trailer ~ Plastic Tires on the Horch Field Car:


Grizzly ~ Brush on shaders and pigment weathering are gonna be your best friends when the eyes start to go and the hands start to shake.

I know because that is right where I am now. (at age 72)

I have to admit, I am not a big fan of heavy mud, (as it tends to hide detail.)

I prefer to go more for light to heavy dust, (brings out the detail in dark colored wheels and chassis.)

. . . . not a Mud Fan Man!

Painting a tyre to look like rubber is challenging enough before you even start on the mud etc.

As I say I don’t usually care for the heavy mud treatments as it hides the model detail. This is the furthest I have ever gone with a mud treatment and I feel this barely even qualifies.

First with just paint:

And then just a little bit further with pigments: