My Model Structures, Your Model Structures ~ Show & Tell

Mike, I will. I just scanned through my on-line pix but found none. I’ll look in my drive tomorrow. And in some external drive backups. Gimme a day or two. :wave:

As many of you may already know ~ I have been busy building bridges over on my “Small Bridges” thread. Since bridges are also “Structures” I thought I might show some of the finished product over here on this thread.

Single Span Tyco Warren Thru Truss Bridge:
With semi-scratch built end abutments/retaining walls.

Another Longer Double Tyco Warren Truss:
This time with both a modified massive center double pier and end retaining wall/abutments.

Some Details:

As Always ~ Some custom paint (rattle can * ) and some brushed on weathering shaders can really make these stock structures “POP” on your layout.

*I used Tamiya’s Red Oxide Primer, Matte Black and Matte Clear spray paints in the rattle cans and also the Citadel brushed-on “Nulin Oi” (Black) & Sepia Shaders here.

Sorry I just now discovered I had already posted these bridge photos earlier but I promise to be adding some new/different bridge photos here very shortly.


That reinforced piling is a feast for the eyes. I’ve got to build a few of those.

In the US we soaked lot of wood in creosote. As I’m working on a European Railroad diorama I’m wondering if they use creosote or something else? I’ve not been happy with the color photos I found of European railroad tracks. I asked the German Railway modeler site about it a year or two ago, I got to go back and look at the reply because I don’t remember what they said. Maybe the Germans use some form of oil?

Afraid I cannot answer that question nor know where to look for the answer.

Perhaps we could ask Angel over in the Armor section or even Darren who is in the UK.

I believe I found the answer. They used mineral tar oil or creosote, per European study association of wooden sleeper superstructures e. V..


Now for more structures!

Carolina Craftsman Kits: Millhouse

Pix from the build review on the old site. All images preserved, but no text.


RDA Stone Engine House (pix also retained from build review):


Finally, the bridge section of the NOCH Victoria Mine. Laser-cut cardstock.


Have always admired that engine house!

Perhaps you should double post that bridge section from your mining facility over on the “Small Bridges” thread? I have already been talking there about some various applications of small scale bridge parts to be used as building roof trusses in the larger scales,

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In reference Fred to your Mill House model I share these:

Just showing what might be on the inside of that Mill Building. These are wheat and flour mills being driven by single cylinder “hit 'n miss” kerosene engines.

This gentleman has a passion for doing things in the “Old fashioned way” and for collecting these devices. The Mennonites in the area still bring their wheat and flour to him for milling, as this level (age) of technology does not violate their religious beliefs. (Sorry but the Amish choose to use horse powered and hand powered mills so even this technology is out of their sphere.)

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Neat idea kitbashing the 2 bakery kits….for a larger structure…

take these kits with a grain of salt…they are old…detail isn’t too bad for the 1960s…heavy mold lines…sinkholes here and there…warping…decals that past their prime during the Vietnam War…

Both bakery kits I have are warped to varying degree….The unbuilt bakery kit has a really warped roof and one of the walls has a big curve in it…thick, old, brittle plastic…

Just thinking of lining up these 2 roofs gives me the shivers…


Well I have a spare engine house roof with nice skylights and also some parts from an old bakery kit if that would get you started. Are you located in the US???
PM to me if interested ~ I hate seeing old plastic go to waste!

Thanks for the offer but no… I have no space left on the layout…
As well, I have too many kits in the stash, shelf queens, rolling stock to paint, to take on any more projects…

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No problem Krafts ~ anyone else out there interested in such a project???

I will! Thanks

Hats off to you all, Michael, Fred and Dave, for some truly inspirational and outstanding structure builds, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

I’m just starting a new project Michael, so will drop a few images in here, as and when, so as to keep my minimal contribution going to your great topic, :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer:.

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Come on guys and gals; show those structures!

I have 3-4 in the works but nothing yet to show.

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Hi Michael,

Folk have probably seen these already, but I did say I would drop some in here as and when, though I always feel a tad guilty duplicating work, :thinking: :roll_eyes:, again it’s 1/72nd (braille) scale.

The bridge started out as card…

Then coated in DAS and carved…

Then painted and weathered and fixed in place…

The barn followed a similar evolution, inside and out…

Apologies to anyone that has seen this before but, imho, this thread of Michaels deserves to be kept alive as I think it is helpful to anyone modelling structures, whatever the scale.

Cheers, :beer:,



Thanks G. Your work is always “over the top” impressive!


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A work in progress: a decrepit old ore processing facility in HO. Adding some additional details as in the N gauge mine track coming into the second level of the building.

The gray/green base is, for the moment, photoshopped.

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