My Rolling Stock Your Rolling Stock . show and tell thread

This was a thread for just posting show-off shots of your rolling stock. Now with this new forum image posting feature, there are no more excuses for not to show and tell.

I’ll start in this new forum thread with a few narrow gauge kits recently purchased.

Show and Tell your stock and collections here!


I do have a thing or two with rolling stock. My first real (and specially finished) diorama was of a German BR-52 waiting on a railway station for permission to continue its journey. The dio contains 40 figures.

My current project will also contain quite some railway hardware. It focuses around a 60cm Mörser Karl, being unloaded in the Warsaw railyard on the 17th of August 1944 ,to perform its destructive work against the uprisings.
Other actors are its railway carriers…

Being hitched behind a shunting loc (not done yet)
A second train will be made up of a BR-86 (in progress)

Behind which a Gondola (finished today)

A G10 box car (in progress)

And a 0mmr flatbed wagon, with a munitions panzer.
All in all, 10 vehicles (truck will also be present) plus assorted figures will be on the diorama.


@golikell, is this 1:35 scale? This is very impressive and when done looks to be huge (and even more impressive). Looking forward to seeing further progress on this one.


Yup, all is in 1:35 :smiley:
And thanks for the compliments…


Spectacular diorama. So many details and especially at 1/35, WOW.

BTW, I think this woman lives down the street from me.


Nice! Wiseman makes some great kits. The kerosene loco is based on the Fordson tractor kit. I did a build review of it back in 2012 or 2013 and it is on the old RRM. Should I post the URL?

Yellow floral dress is amazing! Love the wooden shoes. She adds so much “pop” to the diorama without stealing the show. Well done.

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Spectacular! So much to see. This diorama will be epic. I can’t wait for your updates!

Great topic, Kosprueone.

Here are a few of mine. The first two are my first attempt to photoshop models into scenery.

First, an old Silver Streak boxcar.

Next, a DRB loko that I bought because I wanted it and it inexpensive, but I also used it as a paint review test subject.

A nice clean hopper.

Incomplete without buffers and decals, but I built this lil’ dude this year.

More to come!


Thanks guys… Opposite of what I thought, the ladies fashion (at least in Paris) was quite colourfull. Cleavages, however were not! Yet the combination of wooden shoes, head scarf and basket with wine, gives her the appearance of a farmers’ daughter, with a sense of the colourfull side of fashion, but not of the prudeness thereof. Since I want to depict the dio in the Alsace (a few other figs that appear to be (or could be) French are present) this girl fits perfect in that idea.

@KoSprueone, which one… th old hag with the bag, or the young flower with ditto dress?
Since so many figs are present, every corner shows a little story. The idea is that each has her/his own little story which come together, albeit temporarily, on a railway station, and dissolve after their collective journeys. For example: the dad saying goodbye to his family, much to the disappointment of his son:

Whereas on the other side, a man is checked by the gendarme with his dog (watch the cat, who disapproves). Though he must be used to it after so many years, he fumbles to get his ID out of his bag. This draws the unwanted attention of other people. Amongst whom is a Hitler Jugend boy, who looks ready to assist at any moment…


Yes, that is a very clean hopper :grinning:

I was thinking that the Cattle Car was narrow gauge but it’s probably standard gauge. Very interesting subject.

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LOL, I was referring to the floral printed yellow dress. Very good figure painting skills

Must be a nice sight to behold :innocent:

Thank you… This dio forced me to start painting figures in a serious way.
This was actually the very first fig in that fashion…


Hi Kosprueone,

That cattle car is an Airfix OO model. It is standard gauge. The decals were horribly yellowed, but 8 months taped to a south facing window, they are clear enough. Now if they don’t disintegrate…

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This has been posted in the past but with new people coming on board, I present JP&T 5006, a 5000-class “Gila”-type.


She is the Monogram static model.


Hey Kosprueone,

Any progress on your O kits?

Not yet. End of the year work schedule has left me no time at the bench. The new year will bring much more productivity tho

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In a few minutes, I’ll be drinking coffee out of this mug I picked up in Barstow, California.


Hello gents,

I came across this thread and thought about my rr days - now, a bit in the past, but, as I can be sentimental about builds, I never throw the whole project out, so I kept a bit of my rr, and some rolling stock. It’s a maintenance train. I live near a heavily used BNSF rail line, and one day I saw something very similar to what I decided to build. A mix match of various vintage flat cars with equipment secured.

Please take a look:

And there you have what’s left of my RR! Turns out, I enjoyed building the railroad a lot more that running the railroad!



Nick, Nice man real nice. Knowing your other work, those MOW vehicles are all probably scratch built, right?
HO, I assume?