This photo of a P-47D of 1º Grupo de Aviação de Caça in Italy in1944 shows what looks like an unusual centerline tank. It looks like a smaller (narrower) version of the "flat " 200 (allegedly) gal.tank. ( As far as I’ve found the flat tanks were made in the UK and used only by 8th/9th AF… Did any find their way to the MTO? ) Or a wider version of the Was this a locally made tank, like 5th AF’s “Brisbane” tanks? Or just an optical delusion?
That’s a really interesting question, you know? I just finished my P47 Razorback (Here.) and I also wondered what were the various types of tanks used on this aircraft
So my research about fuel tanks led me to consider the same depiction you posted. My plane was from the 62nd FS/56TH FG based at Halesworth UK and I depicted it with the 200 gallon flat tank. My best guess (but I have no definitive proof) is that the Brazilian Air Force had their own fuel tanks for their P47s. Here in fact we see a different example from the one you posted that appears to mount the same tank.
Secondly I tend to believe that, given the difficulties of refueling on the battlefield, these aircrafts were equipped with a non-specific tank for the P47, adapted to the needs. In any case I don’t think it’s an optical illusion.
Nice work. Have a razorback in the mail. Going to back date it to Hub Zemke’s C-5. (Interesting national marking. Was shipped with blue ball & star. Had yellow border added. When reg added white bar with red border they just added the bar/border to the
yellow bordered blue circle. Very colorful.) Also have and Iranian D-30 and a Mass. ANG 47N. In my snooping around ,it looks like the 200 (215) gal. flat tanks did not come in till Feb(?) of 45. As far as I can tell it was 8th/9th AFs only. “Brisbane” tanks were 5thAF only,and only for Cs and Early D Razorbacks. Later versions used “issue” tanks. As for the Jambocks, they did use locally fabricated 100(?) gal tanks that were 75gal.tanks ,split,and with a section added to the center. Some had the fill cap on the left (Like C-5,above) ,others ,cap was in the center. One thing I saw said it was a Brazil only thing but I did see a US marked (350th FG?) carrying one. There are a couple resin ones. Now to figure out the wherefores &whys of the strike camera on the left pylon. D-5,above has it. (K-25 strike camera was mounted in a fairing onthe left pylon. But not on all aircraft.)
Sh*tty pic, but gives an idea. Heres the sheet from the decals. Lots of interesting info on early 8th AF Jugs.
Yes, very interesting source. Thanks for sharing!