Thanks! Great looking build. So Tamiya it is.
I usually buy the Tamiya Nato green in a spray can, and it works pretty well.
Thanks! I will have to try the Tamiya NATO green spray paint.
CARC was a chemical compound unrelated to color. It was formulated to resist chemical agents and the agents used to clean a vehicle/system after exposure. Hence Chemical Agent Resistant Coating.
The various paints were FS (Federal Spec) for each color: green, black, brown, chocolate, sand, etc. The most-frequently cited schemes used US MERDC US Mobility Equipment Researach & Design Command.
USMC tended to use the Tropic Verdant colors.
US Army tended to use Winter Verdant.
As always, local variations and schemes often popped up.
Yes. It comes from the manufacturer that way. It’s the same color.
Asked and answered. Nato Green and Forest Green are not the same. There is no “CARC Green”. The Strykers and green Abrams are Forest Green. The 3 color Abrams is NATO Green (US). You can get either color from several different manufacturers, but I recommend AK RC as the best match. Forest Green is darker than Nato Green (US).
- and Forest Green is FS 34094, if I understand this right?
Regards Thomas
I have Forest Green as FS34079.
@SSGToms, thank you! I fully understood your first reply and appreciate it.
The original CARC was MIL-C-46168. The last list of colors (1987) was
The “383” colors and the 37030 black are used in the three-color camouflage schemes.
That specification was cancelled in 2005 and replaced by MIL-DTL-53039 and MIL-DTL-64159, which I believe are the current specifications.
Forest Green was a color in previous four-color system and is not the same as the Green 383 used in the three-color NATO scheme.