for all my US stuff i use either Tamiya XF67 NATO green or AK RC 083 NATO green don’t remember the new code for the revised AK real colors line for NATO green
one of the things i read about Tamiya’s Nato green thats its more accurate for modern German armor than US its even called out for even in the instruction for Tamiya’s Leclerc which is wrong
as the green used by france is more brighter
At one time there was a guy on Ebay selling the actual CARC 683 green in spray cans
it was a non toxic version the guy ebay who sold it explained that the actual CARC paint was very toxic
While there is no such name as NATO green, as Tamiya calls it, is it the correct color for Strykers? Is there a different green other than the Tamiya so called NATO green that should be used on Strykers? Is the green on the Strykers the same green as used on those USMC M1A1’s in my original post?
@tanknick22, thanks for the paint suggestions. iwatajim posted a comparison between the Tamiya NATO green and the AK Real Colors on the thread linked below. You can see a noticeable difference between the two paints but it isn’t that much of a difference. They look very close. The Tamiya is slightly duller where the AK Real Colors is slightly brighter.
I saw that Ebay seller for the CARC green spray can. I was looking to get a can to possibly decant and use in the airbrush but they want $10.25 plus $15.71 shipping. The price of the spray can plus the shipping is a lot more than I want to spend on just one spray can. The color looks great though from his sample photo. This is the image of the CARC green sample from his Ebay page.
“CARC Green” which single color vehicles are painted in, is Forest Green, AK RC 900. You can find forest green in other manufacturers, but the AK RC is closest. NATO Green (US) is AK RC 886, and is brighter.
@SSGToms, @Dan, thanks for the replies. Greatly appreciated!
@Brantwoodboy, thanks for the warning, greatly appreciated! I don’t plan on using it though. I will stick with the usual model paints. While I do use the normal model paints, I still wear a mask while painting and even outside.
Happy to hear that as a army mechanic I cannot count the amount of CARC paint that I have ingested. I’m fully prepared to end up dealing with some kind of cancer in my future.
thank you and me too it’s just i spent my military career rolling in oil, covered in grease and breathing all the fumes I shouldn’t have (also spent a bunch of time around the Afghanistan burn pits).
Thanks! I knew different countries used different paint. I wanted to know if using the so called Tamiya NATO green was the same as CARC green. Could I use the Tamiya so called NATO green on the Strykers? Were the overall green USMC M1A1s the same green as the Strykers? So basically what I wanted to know was, is the Tamiya NATO green actually the same as CARC green? Some replied with the name forest green. Is the Tamiya NATO green the forest green or is the CARC green the forest green? Or are both forest green?