NEW *(to me)* Weathering Shaders, Washes and Paints from CITADEL

Recently came across another of the Hartland Locomotive Works G Scale “Generic” log cars.
Decided to give it a similar treatment (thou a bit darker decking) as the other three.

All photos and model by the author

Again, the rust color is Tamiya’s NEW Red Oxide Military Primer and the “Wooden” deck base coat is Tamiya’s Military German Dark Yellow. Now give it all a quick coating of Tamiya Matte Clear (TS-80). (This will give the surface a slightly rough “tooth” which allows the water based stains to attach to the paint without puddling.

I than used liberal coatings of Citadel’s Black and Red/Brown Shaders (stains) to create the final look of the decking applied with a broad brush. This is followed by a final application of Tamiya’s Matte Clear to kill any shine that might have been left by the stains.

The “BEFORE” photo: