NEWS: Hobby Link 1/35 M818 Conversion Set

As always, I build it and someone announces it.

Hobby Link just announced today an M818 5-ton tractor conversion.

It looks really nice and includes everything you need, including a new radiator and the front fender supports used on M809 series trucks.

Looks like it comes with optional parts for w/and w/out winch and the roller pulley style winch.

The different style grills used on them as well.

Hobby Link | Facebook

I am assuming they will also offer just the parts to convert the cab to an M809 series so you can make any one of the trucks in the series.

Hobby Link is available through Wanamaker Hobbies in the US.


Instead of begging the hobby companies to kit our wish lists, we ought to get our lists onto Geno’s build schedule; the kits will appear by magic soon after!


I asked on their Facebook page and got confirmation there will also be a kit of just the cab conversion as well.


I saw the Hobby Link announcement yesterday, and thought that the hood appeared too tall at the nose?

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It looks pretty close to me.

Depending on the angle of the pic, it can look quite tall.


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I think so too …


I’m thinking that AFV-Club may have caused this by letting the sheet metal above the firewall in front of the windshield be too rounded and get to close to the windshield frame.
If that sheet metal was a little flatter it would bring down the top of the hood.


Some more photos



As stated, the issue is that it was made to fit the AFV Club kit, which may be a little off.

It still looks close enough to me and I am glad it is coming.


Those who own a fine grit sandpaper and a bucket of elbow grease can get to it :grin:

I could be wrong but the photos I found gives me a vague feeling that the hood should be sloping from the firewall/back edge down towards the front, not much.
Maybe an inch in 1:1 scale
Compare the edge of the hood above the engine compartment sidewall
and the top of the hood. Note that, in the photo above, the gap between hood and sidewall isn’t parallell so compare lower edge of the hood with the top


A: Too angular, round it off
B: Too vertical round it off to a smooth curve, rivets will need to be recreated.
C: Possibly a little rounder, hard to tell without holding the actual parts
D: Check if the hood needs to slope more, could give 1 or 2 millimetres


Well I think it is ok. We want stuff and someone makes it and folks still complain…If you don’t want to buy it fine more for me…

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I try to find facts, to the best of my ability, and to suggest ways to get around possible problems. I will most likely snag one of these and fix whatever I think needs fixing.
Others will make up their own minds based on available information.


Well said.
To me, looking at the photos posted, it looks close enough that I would not bother with it.
If someone else wants to, they can correct the hood with a little sandpaper work.
If they really don’t like it, don’t buy it.
To each their own!


Glad to see this new item, and the cab-only set to follow. I’ll pick the cab set up in time to see how it compares to Mikeybug’s set, (now sadly only available as a file).

Maybe the hood front edge will be a job for that little powered sander I just acquired.

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I mentioned this thread and the potential hood issues to Hobby Link on their Facebook page. He is following along and will see what he can do to make it better. He also confirmed it is off due to having to fit the AFV Club kit. It is great to see a manufacturer with a positive response. Great service.


Gino you beat me to it. He is very responsive to suggestions/recommendations provided there are illustrations/measurements to support.


Got good news from Hobby Link. He has reworked the hood. It looks much better.

Original hood on the right, new hood on the left.

New hood right.

And on the truck.

It is great when a company is this responsive to their buyers. Great job by Hobby Link.


Teamwork wins!
Looks excellent.


Mucho Better-o. I noticed the new hood includes the handles and windshield hold-downs!


Good work Gino, Khang is a very obliging guy.

Thanks from all the folks who will buy and enjoy this set.

(Me included!).


Agree completely, have talked on facebook with him numerous times and he is always ready to listen to suggestions and input. Highly recommended. Wayne


With all that’s happened in the last couple of hours, don’t you think your earlier post was perhaps a little premature?

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