Oddities of the German Language

So the same problem we have in the English-speaking world? :slight_smile:

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First off, the title of the thread is very concise. It let’s the reader know that the subject is probably not truck, railroad, or decal related. I tend to read titles to threads before I read them only to find out they’re not related to strippers or silent films from the 20’s, thus avoiding some bit of disappointment.
As for the genius of Gino’s moderating skills - remember this thread?

Due to Gino’s disdain for the title of the thread, and subsequently changing it, Kraftstoff (who by any measure is one hell of a modeler) no longer contributes to the forum. You’ll notice further down the thread he doesn’t even respond to your request for more photos.
He also pointedly ignores you in another Railroad thread why he hasn’t posted in a while.
I"m not speaking out of turn here - we’ve communicated since then and he has authorized me to say the whole Gino incident - changing the title to his thread because Gino didn’t like it, pit him off in a big way.
To other modelers have quit the site for different reasons, but same guy.
I’d suggest to anyone who doesn’t care for the content of a thread - don’t read it. If it wanders off in a tangent as many do, who cares? It’s a modeling site, not a cancer curing forum.
I imagine advertisers don’t care either, as long as you’re clicking on the thread to see what it’s all about, But when readership declines and interesting, talented people no longer post, we all suffer.


Have I missed something big? One minute we’re sharing jokes about language, then suddenly a rant about editing? This needs a whole lot more explanation. Exactly which topics were merged/edited? And what exactly was the effect? If, as a reader of an “Oddities of language” thread I’m getting forcibly drawn into an unrelated fight then I fully expect to be presented with ALL the necessary details.

This topic was created by moving a bunch of posts from another topic.


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Which is also why I have spoken in the past in support of using thread titles that actually give the reader some idea of what they can expect as they open a topic instead of using some near-indecipherable coded title that only the author understands.

Again I am highly relieved that the now 100+ posts in this thread ARE NOT still part of the “Scratch Built & Conversions” topic! They were quickly muddying the waters of that conversation.

Robin @Uncle-Heavy thank you for clarifying where this topic originated. So much time has passed I had lost track of its’ origins.

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I had to scroll to the top to check because I had lost track as well …

Trust me, you missed nothing. That’s sort of my point. Wasting time playing Junior Editor and pissing people off isn’t my idea of helping keep viewership. :wink:

I see - they were pulled out of one topic as being OT and placed here? Assuming a suitable pointer was dropped into the old thread I fail to see why or how that action became a fight. Care to fill us all in on that side of it? If it’s going to be brought up here as a complaint I’d like to know more.

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LOL! Looks like I’m the guilty culprit who derailed the Scratch Build Conversion thread. Didn’t realize “Raketengetrieben Glockenspiel” was such a powerful phrase :flushed:

Got to be more careful with the “Raketengetrieben Glockenspiel”…great power much responsibility etc…wink


Thank goodness you didn’t type “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”! Who knows what could have happened?.. :thinking:


Thank you for reminding me about this little jewel from the internet:

"Mahatma Gandhi walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate little, which made him frail and with his odd diet he suffered from bad breath.

This made him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis."