Operation Anthropoid

OK,well now I am even more thoroughly impressed!

Thanks again gents, Brian I think you’re probably right & I should just weather 'em. From memory what became the Coal/Geology Institute in the late 1920’s began as a processed food factory in the early 1900’s, later a brewery, so the park & railings would have been 40 years old and as you say probably neglected through the 1930’s :tumbler_glass:

You keep getting better and better on these things… :ok_hand:t2:

Also keep in mind that the quality of paint back then ws not so great… Specially on red: you only have to think about red cars from say the '80s… Nowadays they are not so red anymote. Some even turn to a pinkish hue… Not that I suggest to paint your fences pink… :wink:

:laughing: heyyyy now that’s a great idea! Point taken though, maybe some underlying rust to de-pink it enough :tumbler_glass:

And we’re back, still on the DIY PE, after a few more duds along the way I can finally present…

Each railing needs customising due to slight variations in distance between each pair of pillars, and then I need to make some wire attachment points on each pillar & railing. That means each railing needs its own unique number & needs to be detachable/store-able, so I built a balsa box…

The railings are easily bent out of shape so the Blu-tac blob is ideal to handle each one. Now numbered I won’t get them mixed up, there’s still room for other street furniture like the road signs, and plenty of room for the equally fragile long fences stowed underneath.

So now I can do the work on the railings & paint them…still vacillating over the colours but favourite’s still dull light rust & faded gold highlights :tumbler_glass:


Another step above and beyond! Wow,

I sit and look in awe…

The magnificent obsession.

Just too cool Tim , makin yer own pe like that !!
Beautifully done pieces , I’m gonna start callin you The Unicorn cause of all the FM you do !!


This turned out soo fantastic. To be honest, I doubted the feasability at first, but it turned out magic!!! I take a deep bow for you,maestro!!!

Hi Tim,

Excellent job on the railings, I also like the look of the brick pillars, very realistic, :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


That’s a lot of PE, wow!

Many thanks guys, well let’s see if y’all still like the near-final result. Trimming/customising each railing & making wire hooks to connect with wire eyes set into the pillars took way too long. Test-fit…

I’d also tidied the footings & cement tops, photo refs show a surprising lack of streaking/corrosion from the metalwork so I didn’t go crazy with it. But the pillars were shabby so I did some weathering on those before installing the railings, including heavy pigeon poo…and yes I’m getting some of those MiniArt birds soon. Maybe a few weeds where the footings meet the sidewalk to come. And so…

I tried several shades of rust but they just didn’t look anything like the photo refs in monochrome so I went back to research and settled on what I think must be the answer, that pale greenish copper-oxide-y shade. It looks more pale blue in these photos but trust me, and in mono it matches much better than rust. The red on the crown motif is still too strong but that’ll be easy to fade, as for the gold…well, someone prove me wrong.

The final test will be after I’ve taken some full sunshine shots of the railings with the newly refoliated/re-coloured trees behind them, that’s for next time. Meanwhile a happy & healthy Xmas to all and a much, much better New Year :tumbler_glass:


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Lots and lots of work with all kinds of mediums but the end result was well worth it! Man o man,

Excellente, working just fine, Ruck On Bby!

Cheers gents, I forgot to add the final word on the railings…

Yay Santa just delivered my latest order from BNA, six items I’ll open on Xmas Day :tumbler_glass:



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Hi Tim,

Fantastic, the signage and the railings are looking great, and the subtle introduction of weeds is bringing the whole thing to life, :smile:.

Cheers, :beer:,