Operation "Epsom" details

Hey Jerry tremendous combat scene, I think we’ve noted before that when figures are out-of-focus that’s usually a very Good Thing because it suggests movement & yours is a classic example, brilliant. But regarding the focusing problem with the tanks, one solution would be playing around with different lenses but I believe like me you prefer to keep things (& photography) simple with a single-lens device. I’m not sure what you’re using but if you’re uploading to your computer, it’s presumably via a software program that ought to allow cropping of images. Please forgive the photo-bomb but to illustrate…

The first image was itself cropped down from a much wider view because I stood a couple of yards away, which allowed a greater depth of focused area. The second image is a further crop-down - the risk of course is that some definition is lost but I think that can contribute to an authentic-looking war-time photo. Anyhow the point is those Ferdies in the background were 2 or 3 feet back from the left-hand Borgward, yes they are just off-focus but I like to think by around the right amount. Maybe hopefully you can pull off the same trick? :tumbler_glass: (In fact the nearmost Borgward ain’t in focus either (!), the Mk III is, but standing off from the scene allows better overall focus)

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