Operation "Epsom" details

Pulled this outstanding Alpine fig from my spares boxes and got some color slapped on the top half. Changed him up a bit though to fit the new scene.


Next up to modify is this other great Alpine dude.


Ok I will keep banging my head against the wall.
Here is the latest.
Not motivated enough to type the historical context.


Well catch a grip Jerry! (only joking - you know me).

Outstanding scene - the overwhelming weariness of constant combat yet the leadership required to overcome it - all (apparently) effortlessly displayed, as we’ve come to expect.

This is what SNCOs do.

Keep it up Jerry!


That is a very moody and well considered scene- the body language and facial expressions convey both the strain and the emotion beautifully.
Just wondering how you photographed this one as the lighting is fantastic?

“While I pondered weak and weary…”
Incredible scene Jerry.

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I’m leaving this one exactly how you shot it. Needs nothing from me or my photo shop but praise for a great job

Ok thanks gents,
I have now awakened to a new day and fresh mind. Recovered from the bummer yesterday on FB.
@Boots-thanks mate. I knew you would catch on instantly given your background.
@Karl=thanks as usual for your cogent comments buddy. This one is a shadowbox. The light is therefore very easily controlled…I posted a newer pic below, having added a wisp of smoke and tracers in the background as well,
@SSToms-thanks brother for your kind comments!
@BUTA46- Thanks for the very kind words man. I do always appreciate your Photo magic!!


          "Let's go junge!  If they catch you they will kill you!!"

The night of 20August’44 in Normandy.
One of the last surviving officers from the III/26 ( gep ) $$PzGrenRegt urges a thoroughly exhausted trooper onward over the hilltop. Further back down the slope one of the last SPW’s burns out ,a victim of the vigorous defense put up by the Poles defending the mountaintop. Tracers from the Allied tanks uphill search out other troops from the HJ as well as soldiers from the Heer and Luftwaffe and the $$LAH trying to escape through the narrow gap that separates them from the counterattacking relief forces of the DR PzDiv.

Modified Alpine figs with Hornet heads added. No photoshop was used !!



I know you don’t need my reaffirmation, but your work speaks volumes for itself. If the dolts on that site can’t appreciate it, take Calvin’s approach.

This latest example is so minimalist, yet shows so much in the abundant small details. The body language, the facial expressions, the obvious desperation and exhaustion of trying to survive the night. “Come on boy, just a little bit farther…”


Thanks man.
Yeah, I just don’t get it sometimes. A site on FB with a purported 125000 members can garner me 13 likes for this pic. Yet the same site shows a guy holding an unbuilt model box and he gets 13hundred likes. WTF ?
But I’m sure it’s all thoroughly fair right ? Heheheheheh


Outstanding presentation, if I do say so.

Never was into stats, or FB for that matter. #:face_vomiting:
FWIW: I like you right here at KitMaker where you belong.



Thanks old buddy. Nice to see some of the old crowd still here,


Maybe give some thought to flushing FB?
Nothing but a thing.

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Hear, hear


Maybe so maybe so.


Their loss and your gain of more modeling time

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As ever in awe. I am massively jealous of your ability to take a figure and rework it to tell the story you want to tell. I wish I had such artistic creativity/vision let alone your figure painting skills.

Your ability also, with little bits of plastic/resin and some paint, to create scenes like this that stir an emotional reaction is up there with the best film/TV writers and directors.


Thanks matey,
Maybe because I am a frustrated movie maker ? Heheheh
I always wondered what it was like to have access to tens of million of dollars being available to make a good war movie.


Jerry, you know that Facebook isn’t real, right?

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