Operation "Epsom" details

Simply outstanding as usual Jerry. Your in progress pics help others see how you are going about the process of building a figure. Besides the excellent painting, this is a big help to other modelers.


Thanks man glad you found that useful.

Really nice. Thanks for the updates.

Like watching screenshots from a film… fantastic work agan…

any time mate,

Thanks again sir!

Took some wrap around views of the assistant bren gunner and also one of the rifleman I tried to replicate the bandolier on. I found the plastic bandos to be overscale.

Both began as Tamiya guys. I think. Bren guy has a Rado head with helmet and spare bren pouches and bren spare barrel bag all made from putty.


I will bore you with just one more guy from the latest dio. He is posted because I did some new things here. I added a set of binos since he is an asst. mortarman as well as a cammo issue scarf and a “wallet,2 inch mortar” made from putty with PE attachment points.


I visit your thread far too rarely! Man, I love your skills and figures. The poses are outstanding!
Keep up the fantastic work!

Thank you kind sir.
I do think I am boring people lately.


My friend, it is not possible to get bore of artwork like this: I love it!


I couldn’t agree more Erik!


Absolutely not! I haven’t posted lately because while the English language has a rich and varied vocabulary I had exhausted my stock of superlatives to describe your work. One of the most amazing things is that when one thinks you cannot get any better, you up your game in some way; all the more surprising given the already high standard with which you started. My only concern is that the sustained effort required by a project of this magnitude might become burdensome to you. There’s much talk of unfinished builds and loss of mojo in all the categories covered by KitMaker (and possible remedies); this makes your achievement all the more astounding.
I have (as you know) an emotional involvement in your work as I regard it as a unique and remarkable tribute to my late Father and his comrades in the 15th Scottish Division. I hope it will eventually find an appropriate physical home, but even a permanent web-accessible archive of photos such as those in your last post would be a worthy memorial to those who are now mostly gone from us and those they left behind them in the soil of France and Germany.




Count me amongst the “not bored” as well. Been busy with the outside world but still sending :heart:


I’m NOT bored! Bring it on! A hard fought battle ignored by Hollywood (the British version of Hamburger Hill or Pork Chop, but with more casualties and tanks!), what’s not to like!


The attention to detail is overflowing with every figure … Christ knows how you do it … But dont stop !!
One silly little thing I love is the white enamel cup with blue lip detailing … Perfecto !!

wow man that is really cool cropping and coloring! Thanks,

1 Like

Well thank you kindly good sir. I believe that has to be one of the nicest things I ever read concerning my work of passion here. I will endeavor to keep trying to give proper homage to your elders. As far as an archive goes there is a considerable amount of the pics and story already nailed down in the 6 part series of articles I did for AFVModelers Magazine. Issues 119-121-122-123-124 and 125. The digital downloads are about one pound each.
Is there anything you’d like to see that I have not touched upon so far ?


Yessir that B&W pic is really neat !

Thanks man. Yes, a real slaughterhouse. The amazing thing is if you look at the Hill112 it is just a small rise in the local landscape which does not look like much. Once up there though you can see all the way to Caen and Carpiquet !