Operation "Epsom" details

Thank you for your reply Mr. Rutman, I am using a bridal material for this but my application method seems to comes out messy, could you describe how you applied the veil material to your helmets, thank you very much.

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Glue the material on the inside of the helmet.

Now why didn’t I think of that! thanks.

I attach it first on the outside top of the helmet with a spot of glue. That keeps it stable when dry. Then I stretch it over the rim and glue it underneath on the inside at opposite sides and work around the perimeter until all is attached. It takes a while for each helmet.

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Ruckin Onward!

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Adapt , experiment , create , apply … scale modeling .

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Ever onward and upward !

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Something I am working on. Trying to get the lighting and angles correct.
Counter attack towards Cheux during Operation Epsom,


Nice scene J.R. beautiful .

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Looking great, something for you to Cheux over…

:+1: :tumbler_glass:


Thanks man. I never tire of looking at these photo shopped black and whites.

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Very interesting start, Jerry.
As usual a typical wonder, Jerry style

Thank you Sir!
Happy you enjoyed it.

Stuck together a Sergeant Major figure for a new scene. Main components are from the new excellent MB set of Commonwealth troops in NW Europe.
I had to remove the straps for the small pack and then sculpted the holster and compass pouches. Gave him a Guardsmen mustache as well.


Looks brilliant, Jerry

Thank you Sir!

Jerry, just got to point out that the rank shown - ie 3 chevrons with crown above is that of a Colour Sergeant (Staff Sergeant if not Infantry) not a Sergeant Major.

A Sergeant Major would be a Warrant Officer Class 2, and at that time this rank was shown by use of a (normally brass) King’s Crown badge on the lower sleeve/forearm.

Not to carp as it’s an excellent figure - but just to add(!)


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Thanks Brian,
Got that sussed out just now on FB. I will now just call him a staff sergeant as he is from an AT unit.
Hope that fits ? Easy fix if not but I am in a deadline time hack here.

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Should be fine Jerry as long as he’s Royal Artillery; I believe the Infantry Battalions had their own integral 6 Pounder A/T guns as well which all muddies the issue a bit! Of course, if RA then Arm of Service stripe is blue and red; shoulder title red lettering on blue - but I’m sure you’re on that.

Good luck.

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Yeah I think I will just go with an Infantry Sergeant. I was thinking an older long service guy and that would fit the SGM better but I am getting a headache concerning these ranks and badges again. LoL

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