Operation Queen 1/35

Dam fine work man !!!


I hope the water looks as outstanding as all the rest of this diorama.


Very nice and atmospheric dio! I have little to add but one small thing: it looks as if one of the guys in front of the jeep has abused his helmet?


Thanks! :+1:

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They weren’t there at the start of the war either. :wink:I can imagine that people would rather use their old things as a talisman, for example. To bring luck? That just comes to mind. :+1:


I hope so together with you! It is the very first time that I have used water in a diorama. :wink: Well, you learn by doing.


Looks amazing. Love the forest ground work. How are you going to handle the water? Tinted resin?


Thanks!I’m going to use Resin water from AK, mixed with a little khaki green from Valejo. Hopefully without too many air bubbles. Then apply AK transparent water gel to create some waves on the water surface! Wish me luck! :sweat_smile:


That sounds similar to what I did. Just didn’t add any colour…


Looks nice!i hooe i have the same result!


Regarding water effects, if you hadn’t already followed it John recently did a great job in this thread (scroll towards the end)…

As he found it’s challenging, but some of his discoveries might save you some pain.


Yesterday I made the resin water for the river. I am satisfied with it, I don’t see any air bubbles. Now let it harden further and then try to make the waves with AK transparent water gel. Once this is done I can focus on the small details that complete the diorama!


Something else I just realized, the bridge doesn’t extend all the way to the edge of the base. I think you should make it extend all the way even if you don’t add the supports just so that it doesn’t look like it stops while the base continues. If you leave it like that though I would add some broken boards and snapped railings like the bridge broke. I know you just added the water so putting a board in the water isn’t really a good option right now unless the water was just added and isn’t cured. Just a thought.


the bridge stops at the end of the base. maybe I can add a few more planks but the water is already quite hard so that’s not an option! :sunglasses:


Alright just a thought! For some viewers it might look strange with a flat edge going into the corner. You could cut off the railings that extend past and make a dock. See how the blue area is flat and the edge of the base is a corner? With the rails continuing past it gives the illusion that the bridge keeps going, but if the boards stop before the corner it would appear to have stopped with just extra floating rails. Don’t get me wrong, it’s your decision and I don’t want to seem pushy. I think it will all look great whatever you do. Keep up the work, I hope you have plenty of luck with the water!


Thanks for the input!
You don’t come across as pushy at all, sometimes it is even good to listen to certain tips, such as previous replies here. I will look into everything. :+1:


No problem! :sweat_smile: I just wanted to be sure.


This is really great. I have enjoyed the detail you have put in. This is one of those dioramas that provide more detail everything you look at it.

So a couple of things I’d like to add to the discussion…

  1. I really liked the choice of fall as the setting. It’s a really raises the difficulty level.
  2. I think if you placed the jeep starting to get on the bridge, the question of “dang the bridge is out, what do we do”… would be let the viewer come to his own conclusion of the story.
  3. I understand about the bridge ending at the side of the diorama. What if you splinter the rails like they broke and put a few boards hanging into the river?

But great job. You’re doing a lot better than I would!


Thank you, with every new diorama you learn something that you take with you to your next project. This way each diorama becomes a little better and you gain more skills. Tips you obtain such as here on the forums can only make you better. Oh well, as long as we but enjoy our hobby! :wink:


Hello! Due to some tips from you, I have decided to tackle the bridge and convert it a bit into a broken bridge, which also seems better to me. Everything is not ready, but most of the work on the bridge is finished? The water It also needs further finishing so that some planks and rubble can be placed in the water! It already looks better!