Orca Shark Boat from the movie Jaws | Model Shipwrights

A few months ago Peter Jan Haas of Artitec (Amsterdam) sent me a copy of their excellent 1/87 scale rendition of the shark boat ORCA from the movie JAWS. I posted the in-box review of it at the time:

Now… would anyone like to build this model? :grin:

It is an absolutely gorgeous kit (which sells for the equivalent of about US$75) - and I’ll send it to you to build!

All I ask is that you complete it within a reasonable time (say, six months) and post pictures of your progress on this forum. The kit is yours for free, but I’d appreciate it if you would reimburse my postage costs.

If you are interested, just respond on this thread. After a few days I’ll throw the names into a hat and pick the lucky builder!

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