@Skinny_Mike Mike,
If you find a list please share, as I’d like to know more too.
The three factories being Damiler-Benz, MAN & MHN if memory serves. I’m rusty on my Panther lore but maybe able to recall a few basic ones. Please don’t take my list of factory details as absolutely there more stuff I can’t recall or never knew etc.
This is how the Ausf’s (D, A, G) were defined based on what Jentzen & Doyle published:
Panther Ausf D - defined by the drum cupola turret, the original turret design
Panther Ausf A - defined by the new turret design with the new style cupola
Panther Ausf G - defined by the new hull with different hull sides angles for easier manufacturing which are most noticeable at the rear.
I think the various factories produced various Ausf models. The D might have been limited to two factories- I can’t remember been over twenty years since I built a Panther and looked at references.
The vast majority, maybe nearly all Panther kits to date are a mismatched mix of ALL three different factories minor different little details.
Damiler-Benz Panthers
Special attachment point on rear turret sides for spare wheels
Block Zimmerit pattern (ugly Zimmerit IMHO, I expect pretty Zimmerit from a luxury manufacturing company-wink)
Unique German cross placement on tank that 's different from the other two factories
‘classic factory’ camo schemes tend to ID the tank as MAN produced. Can’t recall details.
Block Zimmerit pattern with vertical lines (overly complicated Zimmerit pattern- looks very Teutonic and WW2 German)
Horizontal line Zimmerit pattern - (looks like the LOGICAL pattern found on Tiger etc)
FWIW - Trivia
Long ago there were a few hard core armor modelers (The Panzer Police) that went ballistic seeing a Panther model with Horizontal line Zimmerit because it was WRONG! Had to lawyer up with Jentz & Doyle (the serious references) and proved a Panther Ausf A innocent of that INACCURACY charge…wink.
Hopefully that will help ball park a few factories details. There’s more but my detail knowledge is pretty limited.