Phantom Phanaticism 2024 edition

Group Build Title: Phantom Phanaticism 2024 edition

Group Build Leader(s): @phantom_phanatic

Group Build Description: Time to build some more F-4 phantoms!

Event Details: (Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)

Completion Award: We will figure something out.


Hopefully, I will have some of my other campaign builds done before this starts.


fine molds! fine molds!

(I’d love to hear how a build of that kit went)

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@phil2015 Thanks for getting the campaign started.

Easy brief. Any F-4 Phantom, any nationality, any scale.
Part started builds not only welcome, but encouraged.


Would be interesting to see the new Finemolds comes together. I hear they’re great kits. I managed to find their separately released weapons set a while back and that looks fantastic on the sprue.

Not sure yet while I’ll do. Undecided between Robin Olds Operation Bolo C or the Academy ‘Showtime 100’ J.

Let’s see how my fall looks. I know that Ill be away from home on a cruise in October, but since we have a year… :smirk:

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Completion Award …
Just a suggestion 3D printed Spook figure

I’ve never done a Campaign build before .
To be honest I have no idea what they even are .

Build and complete the model within the time frame and you get a medal at the end.
Post start photos, plenty of in progress and some final shots of the completed project.

Important thing is enjoy it and everyone else’s builds. Good place to learn a few things and share tips of we’re all working on the same subject.

I am definitely in. Question: Can i join with a partly started build or should I start a new one?

The partly started build:

Work done includes fitting the air intakes

primed the Aires cockpit

and assembled the sparrows and the fuel tanks

and added the front wheel bay so as to fit the cockpit properly.

After market:

and of course full stencil data with the help of the manual


planned loadout:

4 sparrows, 4 sidewinders, 3 tanks, one TER on each side with long fuse Mk82

If I need to start a new build I will tease you with the references for the build


I would say you are good to go Nicos … That Marine bird looks sweet.


Certainly! Would be great to see one of those big Tamiya F-4’s.

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The Phantom II is one of my favorite aircraft but I do own an appropriate kit and have almost no experience painting planes. This campaign could serve as a good platform for practicing. Is the model pictured below any good?

It is cheap and I already have most of the required paints.

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It’s too bad I started my Revell/Monogram Phantom back in July 2023 (cockpit is done, fuselage & wings are together, and ready for paint) otherwise I’d be onboard. I’ll be watching, though.



Go for it. It’s an oldie, but not a bad one. Makes a decent late version F-4E which is appropriate for the Euro-1 colour scheme they give you markings for.
Only tricky bit is getting the intakes blended in to the fuselage, but that will be good practice as it can sometimes be a tricky area on jet kits.

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Uh oh. I thought it was Dark Green / Medium Green / Tan / Camouflage Gray. Just looked up the instructions and…no idea what colors to use. :thinking:

Last year, I built an Academy F-15E (1993ish version). The intakes were HORRIBLE. :flushed:

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I think there are two options iirc. One the more usual two greens and tan over light grey, the second on the box top is the Euro-2 wrap around scheme. Same two greens as the SEAC colours just swap the tan for gunship grey. The F-4 looks good in those colours.


Ah! Thank you for that information and the reference picture! :slightly_smiling_face: My aircraft knowledge is very limited.

Since I already have gunship gray, I will order the Phantom II and some other aircraft for practice.

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Happy to help.

Here’s the pattern and FS numbers. Pretty much every paint brand will have a match to those.


Thanks again! That is a better diagram than the one I found.

I previously purchased paints for an F-15E (Gunship Gray) and F-105G (Southeast Asia Camouflage) and know those are correct.

I need to research the correct colors for some other aircraft but that can wait.

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