Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. J with full interior
MiniArt 1/35
One of the most complex and detailed kit that I’ve ever build.
it looks amazing. i just recently purchase Academy’s Panzer IV Ausf. H Mid model. And want to build it as an Eastern Front Panzer with WInterketten tracks.
Yours is beautiful.
Yours will look very good to, I’m sure. It’s a very nice original to bring it into a model. I like the winter-tracks and in combination with a turret like in this picture it must be a great-looking model
I’ve got the RFM version in my stash, it also has a full interior.
Mateusz, Very, very nice ! I really like the engine and the rust technique you used on the exhaust manifold. How did you do that? I’d like to steal your technique !
How was the kit to build? Did you have any problems?
Also, great figure !!
Thank you for sharing images of your excellent Pz.IV with us !
Very well done! The full interior is a lot of work and very well executed.
Absolutely splendid build. Any challenges with the kit?
Correcting the turret interior would be a challenge…
Wow that’s an excellent job Mateusz! The figure looks great too!
Really nice. I’m impressed of the interieur-work. To me it’s hard to paint it in 1/16 scale, in this size it’s amazing how fine it’s painted