REFORGER and "Military - Industrial Complex"

An interesting view from East Germany on NATO, REFORGER and the defense industry

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1989 Propaganda: LOLZ

I was there the night the Berlin Wall came down.

And I was on the last BIG maneuver REFORGER 1990-1991 Centurion Shield.

And the Soviet Union collapses in 1994.

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Communism is nice in theory
but fails miserably when it comes
in contact with real humans.


Which unit?

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Wat soll das? Wurde das wirklich in der DDR aufjenommen? Mit Westliche Werbungen ooch? Und auf ein Schwarz/Weiss Fernseher sogar?

I had to laugh when the guy holds up the captain’s ruck - with one hand. Seems about right.


The DDR was such a fabulous place to live in that they had to build a wall to keep people from BRD outside.

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I missed that. This is what I saw . ganz am Anfang.

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It flicked past pretty fast,
almost as if they didn’t really
want the Volksgenossen to see it.

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I was a Mech CO in 167th INF, attached to 131 Armor (AL ARNG) for their rotation. The maneuver was delayed for several weeks after the Wall came down, to let the Russians and DDR come to grips with reality.

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Ah. So not stationed in Berlin then. Because I believe the 502nd stayed until '94 or so.


4-502 cased their colors in 1990. IIRC, the Berlin BDE cased their colors o/a 4 July 1994.

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GDR had Schwarzweiss Fernsehen a little longer than in West Germany. I remember getting Ostfernsehen b/w only. And I live only 30 km from the former border. Long lives the Olsen Bande! (Danish crime movies that was only aired in DDR Fernsehen)


The 4th was one of three batallions in the 502nd. 5th and 6th remained with the rest of the Berlin Brigade until 4 July 1994.