
I had a post removed by “admin” with no explanation why. No reason I could remotely see was I used “Kicking” in the one sentence I posted. Is that “promoting violence” these days??

That shouldn’t have been the case, at least by our admins. I have seen much worse allowed.

Was it deleted or just moved to a different category?

Looks like removed to me… unless I misread something. Giving no reason for the removal and saying review our community guidelines is kinda like the cop pulling you over, handing you the state vehicle code, and telling you to figure out why he stopped you. " Hello,

This is an automated message from KitMaker Network to let you know that your post was removed.

Your post was flagged for moderator attention: the community feels something about the post requires manual intervention by a staff member.

This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.

Anybody happen to have one of these in 1/48 kicking around?       

Please review our community guidelines for details."

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Until we hear from that staff member, we won’t know, so speculation is a waste of time.

There is one staff member who will remove a post if he deems it to be a duplicate post, like an announcement of a product. I can see the validity in that. Unless of course his is the “duplicate.” Then it surprisingly stays, as if his was first and the other doesn’t exist. It happened again just a few short days ago.

That said, I’m baffled by what could be so offensive about your post.
Although there are grammar Nazis! Folks (yes, even on a multi-mational platform) have been roundly rebuked for not using complete sentences. Your post is missing the verb does in the beginning. Just sayin’. :rofl:

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I just had a look, and there’s a flagged (and deleted) post from you yesterday about a pod, and it was flagged as duplicate. It looks as though you created a new topic for it, and the topic was deleted too. Can’t say why this action was taken, or where else you may have posted the same question - all I can see is the result of the removal action. You may have to ask the Aeroscale mods to explain…

Duplicate. I was not involved.

Yeah , there’s a prat on another sight that removes or stops comment on anything that has a R or U in it. ( I made a comment about the T-64s having been produced in Kharkiv and the Ukrainians prefer them over other Ts because they have the factory to fix them , in reply to a question. He came unhinged… “that has nothing to do with building models!” “It’s political…” Now, anytime I forget a " ’ " or “,” in a sentence, or don’t use the King’s English spelling of a word, he corrects it. He should just drink the hemlock.


That sounds oddly familiar.


One way to “handle” such people is to provide them with plenty of work.
Always use American spelling.
Be sloppy with punctuation.
Use slang or colloquialisms whenever possible.
Incomplete sentences.
Maybe even use some US dialects (any chance of Southern speak?)

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ima start using Twitter speak as U can C
even tho I never used Twitter B4 it Bcame X (nor afterwards)

On a side note, I’ve always found the following to be ironic, given the propensity of certain grammar Nazis to use the word. I guarantee the word would not pass muster at a two star level briefing…

“Anyways” is sometimes used in informal contexts to mean the same thing as anyway . It’s most commonly used to signal a transition from one topic to another. However, it’s generally considered incorrect or colloquial by most dictionaries and should be avoided in formal contexts.


Posting photos that don’t have any lines parallel to the edge of the photos works well too.


Did I tell you about my thoughts about making picture frames with corners that are one or two degrees off 90 degrees?

Just to jump on the end of this one, the word “gotten”, this word does not exist in the English dictionary. You get or got but you don’t gotten. So many people use the non word these days.

I’ll get (or should that be gotten) my coat.

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No, but that wold be funny indeed, especially for thi\ese guys:


I’ll be getting my coat.

past participle of get
past participle got or US usually gotten

I have gotten some tips about colors to replicate aluminum on the hood of the truck.
I got some tips about colours to replicate aluminium on the bonnet of the lorry.

I have gotten the impression that ‘gotten’ in the US version of English is limited to receiving
whereas the English ‘got’ leans towards being in possession of.
To me the phrase “I have got” is not the same as “I have received”
I have gotten some good advice would be I have received some good advice.
I usually avoid constructs that can be misread, when I want to imply reception I therefore use
received, been given or any other construct.
I have got too many kits in my stash can not be written I have gotten too many kits in my stash.
If I used gotten I would be implying that the kits sneaked in there behind my back.
I would not write “I have gotten old and fat” as “I have got old and fat”, “I have got fat” is missing the word ‘some’ as in ‘I have got some fat in an old bucket’, ‘I got old and fat’ would work (still sad and pathetic …)

I mentioned it to a colleague and he said I was evil.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

perhaps he had forgotten something? gotten himmel! lol

Collins English
Gotten is the past participle of get in American English

although both gotten, get verb transitive are accepted past participles for most senses of the verb , get, gotten has become the prevailing form in the U.S. in all speech and writing, especially for the senses of receiving, becoming, or arriving; the gradual acceptance of , gotten over the past 40 years or so has probably been facilitated by the desire to distinguish between possession, as in the informal I’ve got a car, and acquisition, as in I’ve gotten a car; these forms are not commonly used in most other English-speaking countries, where the standard form for possession is have (I have a car) and the standard past participle is get verb transitive (for instance, in Britain, I have got a car means I have acquired a car)

Oxford English
“North American English”

As I speak English I’ll get my coat and I have got a car.

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