RMP Patrol – Berlin August 1961

Not much progress Chaps, the figures need a lot of attention; I really needed to paint as I went, but as I didn’t quite know if the poses would even work, especially with the modified AKs, I had no real option other than to build them first then try and paint around them. Lots of touching up required, and then some. Should have them finished tomorrow, but that’s assuming the touching-up doesn’t take too long and that the wash and then the matt varnish goes down OK.

I also realised I’d omitted a pair of binoculars from the MP’s Munga, so have just finished adding straps to them, to add to the front seat in due course. A vital piece of kit for the watching them watching us phase of the patrol.

Binos in the foreground of this slightly blurry pic.


Well, there goes the neighbourhood:

And here is the neighbourhood:


Excellent job Brian!

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Well, thanks Richard - and to all those who have offered up their support on what has been quite a protracted project.

I should, should, have it wrapped up today.

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Wow, good going Brian. They look like commercial figures and that barbed wire looks particularly nasty!


Nice work… There is nothing wrong with the paint job of those figs. My only comment is that the necks of the centre and right fig look a bit on the long side…

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Thanks Erwin; you’re right - re the necks - I put it down to the steroid Turinabol introduced into the NVA’s diet.

Seriously, it’s the eternal problem I seem to have of fitting Hornet Heads; I don’t always get it right.


Here are some pictures August 1961 Soviet Army in Berlin


All good stuff; interesting to see that they’ve covered up the turret numbers.

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I would love to know what’s on that Litfaßsäule.

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The dark squares appear to say MMM, which may mean something to older ex-East-Berliners?

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Masters of Tomorrow.

An East German Märchen. :rofl:


Not forgetting the Workers!


It was the workers’ paradise, after all. Don’t these workers look happy?

Ah, I can still smell the brown coal…

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Well, their mission statement would appear to have no small purpose…

If not happy then certainly determined(!)

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They do appear slightly disgruntled……

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I knew quite a few Genossen back in the day. None of them ever seemed particularly gruntled, unless there was alcohol involved.

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Hello 18bravo, an interesting question about the advertising column. Three times MMM stood for =Trade Fair of the Masters of Tomorrow in the GDR at that time. I think that’s the advertising for it. I hope I was able to answer your question.


Nearly there Folks!

The workman - installing a barbed wire stanchion:

The opposition as a passing RMP Munga might see them:

And an oblique view from above:

I’m a bit short of barbed wire at the moment but can always supplement that later; I’ll wrap all this up shortly. It’s been quite a ride(!)


Fantastic! Very unique scene here Brian. This is a rarely modeled time period especially dioramas and you’ve done a beautiful job on the figures and base etc.