Roden 1:32 Nieuport 28C1 my 1st WW1 build


not sure if I am posting images appropriately? taking on quite the project :grimacing: WW1 biplane and trialing a new to me paint company. countless hours researching how to mount upper wing to fuselage and lower wing. opted to not use pins or modify struts/cabanes. careful cementing of cabanes to upper wing and trial fitting outer wing struts seems ok with no distortion of lower wing. photo shows upper wing balanced on fuselage with no cement yet. slightly modified the contact points on the fuselage. Cabanes ( proper terminology?) very secure with quickset gorilla glue gel. I am not sure if I am posting correctly? if not let me know. thanks.


Looking forward to see this one.

Never tried a WW1 plane, some parts of the assembly scared me a little…

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this kit is difficult, very few locating pins, Gaspatch resin turnbuckles look accurate and the turnbuckle cable eyes are robust able to withstand a good amount of line tension. I bet the wingnuts models are much easier.

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Haven’t built any I have yet but the report club members that have is they build very nice. Not sure if it’s Tamiya like but close to the same class. Roden is not in that class, more like limited run class.

thanks for all the likes :smiley:

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stalled out on this build due to airbrush paint issues. Found accurate colors by AK interactive however they are difficult to airbrush. purchased all the recommended products, about $100.00 worth of product :face_with_diagonal_mouth: AK interactive 3rd generation paint with 3rd gen thinner and flow improver thinned 70/30, really the most challenging paint I have ever used. I give up for now and am going with Tamiya and Mr Hobby/Mr color lacquer paint, this IS working!

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All fuselage rigging interfaces drilled out on fuselage prior to adding wing, so that were I am.


Please let me know what AK colors you used as I have plans to build the kit.

I have had no issues spraying AK paint and use the Gunze leveling thinner.

AK real colors are lacquer based and behave like Tamiya paint.
You were working with their acrylic line.

Are wingnuts out of production?

Sadly yes. The whole enterprise seemed to have operated on the whim of Peter Jackson and when his whole operation hit financial difficulties, WNW was one of his projects that was closed down.
I was hopeful we might see the tools sold on and reboxed under another brand name, but that hasn’t happened. Yet anyway. The Meng 1/32 Dr.1 has more than a passing resemblance to WNW.

I am using Tamiya acrylic and lacquer paint and Mr. color lacquer for my 1st build. I purchased 2 models of this plane eventually I will commit to AK acrylic paint on the second build. I chose SuperScale MS320244 Lt. Ralph O’Neill paint guide for 1st build not Roden suggested paints, they suggest defunct Model Master paints. Take a look at AK AFV paints that are suggested for WW1 armor . I have AK 11302 WW1 French milky white etc. The available AK AFV colors for WW1 aircraft are very impressive, sure they sell sets of paint for WW1 armor but that seems to carry over quite well for WW1 aircraft, they have the pastel look.

I have experience airbrushing AK Real Colors and am aware of the difference in regards to AK interactive 3rd generation Acrylic paint. I also have success with Tamiya Acrylic paint thinned with X-20A acrylic thinner OR Tamiya lacquer thinner.

AK Real Colors thinned with Mr Color 110 lacquer thinner? I have that stuff…it’s good. Vallejo marketing sucks, their paint type descriptions are terribly confusing. Really…no where on the 1 bottle of AK “Real Colors” I own does it state that it is a lacquer paint. how confusing is this for buttholes like me that had to decipher their secret codes for paint. It sure is smells like lacquer paint no doubt.

That is disappointing :slightly_frowning_face: This Roden kit is difficult, I am making progress though.

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I am not giving up on AK 3rd generation paints, still experimenting on spare parts. purchased some Liquitex flow aid and Slo-Dri. will reference Airbrush never had such trouble with any airbrush paint. Color selection is impressive . I prefer lacquer paint by far.

They can be yes. I’ve done a couple of their 1/72’s in the past and they needed test fitting and trimming to come together properly. Beautiful detail though, just need that extra bit of work. I have got a couple of the 1/32’s. I’ll tackle those when I’m the right frame of mind.

Good news is that Copper State Models have picked up where Wingnut Wings left off. They do some really nice WW1 aircraft in 1/48 and 1/32 scales. They have a Bristol Scout and early Nieuports in the bigger scale. Nice little collection of WW1 armoured cars too. I’d recommend looking into their range.

You can occasionally still find Wingnut kits around, just expect to pay a bit more for them!

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Copper state models added to my favorites, not aware of them, thanks so much

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slow progress…real slow. been at this for 9 months. decide to use Tamiya acrylic paint with lacquer thinner, finicky AK interactive paint put aside as this model is quite challenging without dealing with paint that I am not familiar with.