RUC Tangi Colour Query

I am looking for a suitable colour to paint a scale model of the RUC Tangi.
I have tried Revell’s enamel colour 79, but am not entirely satisfied with the result.
Perhaps there is a more accurate shade in acrylic (Tamiya, Revell or Humbrol).
Any suggestions?


Weather plays a big part, you can have a dark blue/gray, new or workshop, to more blue with weathering.
Think it was humbrol 248 or tamiya xf23

The colour of RUC landrovers was often described as “battleship grey” but I’m not sure if that’s a very meaningful term.


Yes, I have read that term in my research. However, the actual colour appears to have been more of a blue-grey. Of course, changes in lighting tends to affect the appearance of colours in photos.
