SAS Pinkie

Well,l starting this build with this classic kit. I will not keep high hope but will try to improve the kit as much as I can. I was looking at options for stowage, other than Legend Production and Black Dog there is not much options. I was trying to get the bigger set of LP (Etch and extra resin parts) here in the UK but the only available LP set is the basic stowage set but this will do hopefully. I gave up looking for the Hussar resin wheels as it needs to be imported from Canada to UK which is not the most economical so I have to accept the plastic wheels offered and just get on with the build.

Obligatory box shot.


You will have me a faithful spectator :+1:

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Right, Thanks Maki, looking forward to your SAS Landy also. Ofcourse i keep checking on your fantastic Hummer builds!

Moving on… I started with the basic chassis assembly. This is straight forward and nothing different to note so far.

I then focused on small details to bring the kit for 1976 (first production) to “current” 2022.

I started looking at the GPMG, overall its ok for its age but can do with a little face lift. I added some small details including the sight, belt entry feed, charge handle and change the “resting” position of the carrying handle.
I have to do this twice but I started on the rear GPMG.


Next is the full scratchbuilt of the very unique rear GPMG mount. The kit’s part needed to be replaced. The Legend Production full detail set contains part to improved this area but I don’t have it and looking at it, it also needs to have some correction. So I went along cutting plastics and gluing it together. At the end I’m satisfied with the results. This is the basic structure completed minus the adjusting knob, the spent casing collector and its collecting tube. I have placed a side by side comparison from the stock kit’s part. All reference are from the SAS Pink Panther book from W&W publication and whatever I can find on the net. The GPMG cradle is corrected to the right reference.

Here is the side by side comparison of the kit’s part.


Wow! I’m impressed. Also that I have two active accounts (Makinen / MakiWawa) :crazy_face:

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Cheers Maki, I see. Thanks for letting me know. I will check on both of your posts especially your SAS LR and AC-Model figures. I think they are super nice set.

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I will NOT be trying that… but will keep an eye on your progress. Got a “pinky” on the shelf here myself.

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That is a fantastic mount you have built there. Really neat work :+1:


Cheers Yeahwiggie. Glad you also got a classic!

Thanks Johnny, stay tuned.


Warming up the Myford Super 7B PFX to turn some plastic sprue…a bit overkill for the job but needs precision to fabricate some smoke dischargers plus I’m having fun.

And here is the results. Way better than the original parts and precision turned. You can also see adjustment knobs for the GPMG mount to be added later.

Completed rear smoke discharger mounted on the correct bracket.

Compared to the kit’s original part.

Right bracket done.

Size comparison with a scalpel blade.


uhm…picking up jaw from floor.

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Hmmmm…full profi…

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The Legend Production set I got is the basic stowage set only as I explained earlier in the initial post. I have to fully scratchbuild the search light. The kit have only one search light and it looks totally different from my reference pictures plus there is only one included. On with the lathe and have turned an aluminium master to plunge mould (not that i can’t do a full silicone mould as I do have both a vacuum chamber and a pressure casting chamber but its the temperature that I’m worried for full cure as my shop is in the shed). Here is the full turned search light, I then press mould it on a clay and cast resin on it. After which the whole search light be hollowed out and details added. I will turn a clear lens at the end to complete the process.

Quick press mould and ready for resin pour.

Results. Hollowed out and details added minus the lens.

Size of the complete search light compared to a scalpel blade.


Wow…just wow.

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The Champions League is coming up. This is immoral… :crazy_face:

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Thanks Karl, Maki!

Maki, just following your footsteps!

Very nice start on this …if you need any pictures give me a shout

Thanks Terry, It would be great and love to see them.


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