Sci-Fi and Alternative History Campaign IX

Oy, I still have Squadron’s original (?) 1/72 Haunebu II. It’s a biggin’!




Quick, toss me more coins…


Oww… trip down memorylane!!!


:rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket: :star_struck:


Does the kit have to be in parts? Can I submit a 3D printed statue that requires no assembly and just go straight to priming and painting?

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Based on the recently finished campaign VIII, there should be no problem Peter. A shuttle or fig that is printed in one piece has been accepted before. I believe it is only when a kit comes in parts, and you have assembled them, that the rule applies.


@petbat OK, thanks, Peter, for the FYI.

@Trisaw, yes, no problem with one part models. But only one model pr. Campaign. I assume this is not the same one part model as for the Hot out of the Molds campaign. :wink:

@SGTJKJ OK, thanks again, Jesper.

No, I will enter something different for “Hot out of the molds 2023” if I do enter that campaign. So far I’ve only entered the Sci-Fi IX Campaign, not both.

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Excellent, @Trisaw. That is what I thought.

Looking forward to see what it is and follow your build :slightly_smiling_face:

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A little Sci-Fi “warmup!” :fire::boom: :grin:

[EDIT] More Sci-Fi warmup.

Note: Just for fun and not my entry.

Looking forward to the campaign!
—mike :flying_saucer:


I’m going to be out of circulation for a while, build wise, whilst I recover from my hip replacement op.

I will be following my fave builds and reads.

Do I still need to post my intended build on the 1st Feb?

Talk to you all soon.


Hope the op goes ok :+1: and no you don’t need to post on Feb 01, you can do it on the day you actually want to start it once you’re ready and able :+1:

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Thanks matey! I appreciate the prompt response and happy to know there is no pressure. :pray:

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Hi Gavin,
You’ll be in good hands with Sci-Fi robots performing the procedure! :robot:
And let me welcome you to the “Hip Club.” I’m not only a member, I’m the president. :grin:



So my plan for this campaign is to firstly finish up the Kazon Raider I was building for last year’s campaign.

Then make a start on the Moebius USS Kelvin from 2009’s Star Trek.

A really nice looking model in the box. Has a great display stand too.

I’m hoping as this is a fairly new release it goes together quickly and easily. If I have time in the middle of the year, I might try a conversion of a Polar Lights Enterprise to a TOS style Kelvin-Class. I’ve had that idea swimming around my mind since I first saw the film. Thinking of naming it the USS Sagan.


We have gone from someone making a frying pan in the other build to Stephen making a pressure cooker in the new one:

Just kidding.!!!

I’m kind of getting into these other Federation design ships after seeing all you guys building them. I am interested to see how this one turns out Stephen.


I do like tinkering with TOS style designs. It expands on the fleet besides from the Constitutions we only ever saw in the originals. The Polar Lights Enterprise is a perfect kit for modding, lots of optional parts to play around with.

On the old site I did a 4 nacelle ship of my own imagination I named the USS Patrick Moore, in honour of astronomer and long time presenter of the BBC’s The Sky at Night. Similar in style to the Stargazer from TNG. I imagined it is a deep space exploration vessel. Unfortunately it got some damage in the house move and I really do need to unbox and repair it.
I’ve also been toying with the idea of something similar to an Oberth, but more along the lines of a heavy tug or fleet maintenance ship.


Yes, there’s no escaping how the single nacelle designs look like frying pans!
I might just go along with the joke one day and name one the USS Skillet of the Starfleet Catering Corps.