Sci-Fi and Alternative History Campaign IX

Nicely done Peter…nothing wrong with that finish for a fresh out the factory look :+1::+1:


Mike - what can I say? Watching you build this saucer from the beginning has been one wild ride and a great adventure. Your imagination knows no bounds and your sense of humor is wonderful. Inspektor 72 was kind of a pain in the ass but you know those pesky Germans…This has been like watching you build an amusement park. Your scratchbuilding skills have improved throughout the project and the results are outstanding. All the added details are breathtaking and the camouflage is excellent. Watching you put things together and take them apart again I never thought you would get done on time, but damn, you made it! An incredible project and fantastic results! Congratulations Mike!


Congratulations on a wonderful build. Love all the work and details you added. Been a heck of a ride. :+1::+1:

What’s next?


Aloha All,
Pete: nice work. Clean build and nice work on the painting.

Mike: great finish! The camo is fantastic and all the work really paid off. A project well done and something you should be proud of.

I’m calling the Suisei done enough. The canopies require some remedial work, but that will have to wait.

Suyata 1/48 Suisei Space Rengo Kantai Shipborne Bomber

Interesting craft and a decent kit. The kit is provided in what I would consider to be Gundam style, meaning it comes in multi-colored plastic and is snap-tite, but I glued it and repainted in similar colors.

Happy Modeling and see you all at the next one,


Very nice Zon. The colour on the scanners/displays really draws the eye in the last two pics.


Wow, a frantic finish with fantastic builds. Absolutely great! :+1:t2:

I will make a list of final finishers over the weekend and post free - just in case I forgot somebody.


Thanks Pete! I can’t take credit for the displays though, as they are kit decals. They are pretty elaborate though.

Jesper: thanks for another great campaign.



Some days ago I promised you this update “tomorrow”…

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,”

Well, here it is at last; you’ll find it wasn’t worth the wait.

Just before Xmas I was fossicking around in my collection of odd 28mm scale figure sprues/frames and I came across this strange little thing. It took me a while (until a couple of days before the closing date) to realise this was suitable for my traditional Last Minute Guilt-Driven Build for GBs where I’ve ran my mouth off but contributed nothing concrete.

Fortunately printing on the frame informed me it was part of a “Ghar Bomber Squad” from “Beyond the Gates of Antares”. A little googling provided me with the build diagrams for the related “Assault” and “Support” squads and a video which showed the differences from these.

Thus enlightened the build proceeded surprisingly easily and I mounted the model on a standard 40mm diameter base rather than the one provided. The only glitch came when the green I had chosen as the primer/base colour proved problematical; I fell back on my usual “go-too”, Humbrol 53 Gunmetal enamel. A hastily applied overall coat was not really hindered by my hand shaking at maximum amplitude and a couple of hours later I found whoever was in charge of making my hand shake had gone on a break so I was able to add a pin wash of Rotring black drawing ink diluted with some old “Klear” (“Future”) floor polish. I initial thought I’d over-diluted it, but it appears to have been fairly effective according to the photos. I also managed a few small details in other colours and blotches of colour on the base. This fulfilled the basic standard for use in competition wargaming so I felt it was enough for the GB, it would obviously benefit from some variations the basic Gunmetal shade and this (and improvements to the base) may well happen at some point. So with the usual warning to ensure your keyboard has a barf-proof cover, here are the piccies…










Nice. I didn’t get into Antares but i may get a few choice minis now.

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Nice build, Tom. It is always interesting what one might find digging through the figure stash.

I will do the final count of finishers this weekend :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello all, and Happy New Year! :partying_face::tada: Can’t believe it’s already five days past!

As dust settles on my workbench following my mad dash stumble over the finish line, I just wanted to say thank you to our Fearless Leader, Jesper and the KitMaker Network for providing such a fantastic outlet to let loose our Sci-Fi lunacy! :ringer_planet:


Nice work to all who participated with some really interesting and far-out-there creations! And thank’s for nudging me along, for providing input and for putting up with my… uh, I mean Inspektor 172’s rhetoric… Hope that wasn’t too painful on you guys! :grin:

“I come in pieces… uh…
… shoot cannons at some things!” :face_with_monocle:

—mike …:flying_saucer:


Mike, it was great to have you onboard. Very entertaining posts - but with the inspector and the outstanding level of modeling you have done.

I sincerely hope we will see the base, figures, vehicles etc. for the diorama in the Sci-Fi and alternative history X campaign.

Thanks for your contributions and congrats on finishing :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


I have now gone through our campaign tread. Almost 900 posts :sweat_smile::star_struck:

We have a long list of finishers and absolutely fantastic entries in all corners of the Sci-Fi and alternative history realm.
Thanks to all of you for co tributing to the campaign! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Below is the list of finishers for campaign medals. I will leave the list here for a couple of weeks and then submit for medals.

Please let me know if I missed somebody or misspelled usernames



Great result Jesper, I loved following along with all of the brilliant work and it definitely has inspired me to join this year’s chapter!

Cheers, D


I didn’t see my name and looking back through the thread realize I never posted my completed pic. The Discovery has been hanging from my ceiling since the end of September.


My name is not there either- I posted my finished build back in August last year.


Brekinapez, I have added you.

Karl, I counted your build, but might have forgot to add you. Sorry. Added to the list now. Thanks for letting me know.


Which has grown somewhat. While searching for the build instructions I noticed Warlord Games were having a “Bad Santa” sale which included some individual sprues/frames. The box just arrived this morning…




Thanks Jesper!

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I too never posted pictures of Red 3. Looking back, I never even took pictures of it.

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