Sci-Fi and Alternative history campaign X


I think the camo came out really well. For some additional color you could consider certain components being replaced from another unit/machine with a similar but not identical camo pattern, or even a completely different pattern. Maybe like hummers and other trucks during the Iraq war had mixes of green and tan elements. Similar for the magazine, it could have been replaced with one that is not quite the same pattern. I understand about the autonomous camo identification, but sometimes things don’t work out in the throughs of battle. :wink:

Anyway, it looks really awesome, both as a vehicle and the paint job. Great work!



Finished: LASER Networked Slaving Hierarchical Autonomous Reconnaissance Killbot–LASER SHARK

LASER Networked Slaving Hierarchical Autonomous Reconnaissance Killbot, the LASER SHARK, is a technology demonstrator designed to operate in the near future Land-Air-Littoral battle space.

LASER SHARK is a fully autonomous killbot–a robot authorized to make human lethal engagement decisions without human intervention. In the future Land-Air-Littoral battle space, LASER SHARK serves as a network command node in an autonomous killbot hierarchy, controlling up to 200 slaved drones using direct LASER communications impervious to enemy interception. Slaved drones act as the primary eyes, ears, and lethal systems of LASER SHARK, allowing it to sacrifice cheap, easy to replace assets while itself remaining hidden.

When necessary, LASER SHARK can engage targets with onboard weapon systems including three armored vehicle lethal LASER emitters, a high pressure, 75mm, high velocity auto-cannon, mine dispensers, soft target destructive machine gun, and a full suit of electronic warfare disruptors. The leg system of LASER SHARK allows it to sweep all weapon systems through a 115 degree arc with feet planted in 5 seconds, such that it does not suffer from positioning issues typically associated with turretless assault gun type weapon systems. The long legs of LASER SHARK allow it to deploy all weapon systems at ground level or up to 21 feet in elevation, such that the killbot can fire over two story obstacles.

LASER SHARK can also serve as a primary reconnaissance system. Four legs allow the killbot to negotiate terrain completely inaccessible to tracked and wheeled vehicles. It can move at extremely slow speed so as not to trigger motion activated sensors and weapon systems. A stealth coating renders the killbot invisible to radiation emitting active detection systems.

The LASER SHARK team is committed to designing automated combat systems for the Air-Land-Littoral battle space of the near future. Lessons learned from the LASER SHARK project will allow the United States military to project invincible force dominance in the latter half of the 21st century and beyond.

Thank you for the campaign. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yesterday i took my egypt Starship on his own legs …

Looks very egypt - ish for me :laughing:


Looks great, Gerrit. What will you do with the old tail fin? Leave it on the nose?

1 Like

Calling the Yaun Ti Abomination figure completed.

Painted with acrylics only. Figure is from Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures D&D.


Beautiful job on the scales.

Congrats on finishing :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


I try to keep the time, and now the decals are on, i have used Vallejo PU satin Varnish to coat them with the brush and additional GLAZE thinner.


I would like to ask if it is possible to add another week grace period to the campaign. I am pretty near to finish my Snowspeeder (just applied clear coat under the decals) and being home for the X-mas I may have more time to spend by the workbench like in the weeks behind, but I am afraid that I may need some days for a good weathering (at least the level I planned to do).



Gerrit, those decals looks like something out of a Tintin comic book. You have a great sense for the weird and wonderful. :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Tamas, you got it. One extra week, no problem. :raised_hands:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you very much for the extra time. I have just finished laying down the decals, will applying matt / semi-gloss varnis to protect them. If everything goes well, I will be able to finish the weathering by 6th January.

I will post some pictures after the varnish cured. The current look with weird shiny surfaces is not to be photographed :slight_smile:


Thx Jesper !

I put the crew together, gave them dirt yellow dress and golden helmets ( bad pix ) .


The weathering on the fuselage behind the cockpit looks amazing! This model comes together very nicely.

I have done with the semi-gloss varnish, the whole model has a more-or-less even “shine”. Unfortunately some decals were blown away by the airbrush but as it is a Sci-Fi theme, I do not mind that much. (I have some real airplanes in my stash - well, the same issue would make me mad.) The varnish is curing now, will post pics tomorrow.
The build-plan for tomorrow is adding some pre-printed Eduard photoetch placards to the undercarriage, the seats and the cockpit. If everything goes well, I will also apply some washes and filters to the model.


Same thing on my rocket fighter , i did two layers of MARABU clear matt but it is still a bit shiny. :confused:

Also on my sdkfz. Landspeeder which i finished weeks ago, it is still not really mat as i want it.
I was so focused on the egyptian project that i forget to show some pics. And i have waited over a month to get the final parts.
Most of the decals are self designed and printed together with the egypt, and in the end over 60 small parts are placed on the basic fuselage . All color is brush painted with Vallejo Game Color.

The thing is placed in the IRON SKY scenerie, hundred years after they started terra forming on the moon ,so there should be a little bit of atmosphere and ice at the polar region of the moon.

Some massive corrosion is not to avoid under that circumstances , the basic hull is over 150 years in duty .

There is a laser ray gun on top , but i have missed to finish the big head lamp on the left wing top ( glas and chrome effect ) ,


Hi Killnoizer,

It is a brilliant idea and looks great!

Hi fellow Modelers,

I have uploaded two photos taken today with the current status of the kit. The main paint scheme completed and decals applied. The underside has been pinwashed for the panel lines and excess paint cleaned, trying to maintain a very used and dirty-gritty airplane.

I have a set of Eduard PE placards to be glued to the gears and bays as well as into the cockpit later.

The upper side is in the same progress currently. Some of the red-white striped decal sections were lost in the paintwork - their missing area will be painted as a full paint-chipped surface.

The pilot’s instrument panel is waiting for highlighting and glue into the cockpit (the gunner’s is finished but cannot be seen on the photos). The ejection seats are also painted and pinwashed, waiting for drybrushing. The backward looking machine gun and the canopies are ready and will be glued in the very last step only.

All in all, I am very much satisfied with the result even not every detail looks as imagined, the current look and impression is what I wanted to achieve.

As you can see, I still need that extra week in January to complete the kit to my liking.



That thing looks very fine, but what is it :grin: ?

It would be nice to see how that was build, may i have missed that ?

Nice color job !!


Hi Killnoizer,

It is Revell’s Snowspeeder in 1/29 scale turned into 1/35 as a What-If Hungarian Air Force airplane. Scroll back to my replies in Dec 2023; Jan 6; Jan 8; Jily 1 and 2 for some build updates.


Gerrit: Really liking your projects, particularly the landspeeder.

Tamas: Love the snowspeeder. I did a similar thing for a previous Sci-Fi campaign.

I’m making progress on my X-Wing fighter. This thing has been fighting me all the way, especially the yellow color. I had basically gotten to the point where I’m just punting to call it done, but as I’ve assembled it I’ve become excited again as it seems to be better together than any of the individual segments. Hopefully I can get it across the finish line in time.

IMG_6395 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

IMG_6396 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

IMG_6415 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

IMG_6770 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

IMG_6772 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

IMG_6795 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

IMG_6797 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr

Mostly I need to finish assembly a get a clear coat on it. I don’t really want to weather this one, but I’m trying to decide if I should at least do a panel line wash, but maybe not. I find it kind of striking with just the main colors. I will weather the base a bit though, as I want to practice that for another build I have going on.

Happy Modeling,



I have just visited the forum on my PC (I usually follow the posts on my mobile) and I see that the campaign is due to close in one hour as it is still dated to 30th December, 2024. Can you somehow update the end date to 6th January, 2025 please? I had a much faster workflow this week than expected but cannot complete the Snowspeeder today as the paint is still drying and I still need to add some minor weathering.

Regards and thank you very much in advance!
